A slight smile

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At the arrivel day, Clarissa's and Leonora's eyes meet each other. The only problem: Clarissa is a teacher and Leonora a new student.
No warnings needed.

Leonora PoV:

I had no idea where I was. Or why I was here. But there was no time to ask either. Some big wolfs with axes told me and many other teenagers to keep moving, and so we did.

Inside was cold and dark, a rather creepy athmosphere. There were already many other students and at the front stood a rather tall man, surrounded by a few of those guards, i would guess.

"Alright! Attention to me!" One of the guards slams his axe onto the ground, making sure to catch everyone's attention. "Welcome at the school for evil! Here you will learn how to become the next great future villains!"

There were low mumbles around the students, as he kept explaining where everything was and where we had to go. "Now get out of my eyes! And don't dare to dissapoint me!" With that, he walked off of the little podium.

Still confused on what I had to do, I followed the others to find my room. There were two other girls, but they seemed rather nice. I still didn't trust them.

Not long after that, an announcement came through, telling us all to go over into the big hall of the school for good. I changed into some not wet clothes and than, once more, followed everyone to find my way.

Soon we came to a rather bright school, a complete differnece to our school. Everywhere were flowers and everything seemed rather happy.

When we walked into the big hall, there were already other students in bright dresses sitting on one said. Our dean told us to sit down on the other, so we did.

I was already bored from this. When you hear that you can become the next future evil, you probably don't imagine something like this.

My eyes wandered around the room, looking around to maybe find someone that looked a bit interesseting. And I did. She was wearing a bright golden dress with a tiara.

The dean had said that everyone that wore bright, headache giving colors was an Ever. And that we should stay away from them, as they were our rivals.

But she just drew my attention right towards her. I scanned her body, she was standing at the side, so I assumed she was a teacher. Perfect. Not only an Ever, but also a teacher.

She seemed to sense my looks, because she turned her head towards us, before locking it on me. There was this short moment, where we just looked into each others eyes, before a soft blush came to her face and she turned away.

I felt my cheeks heat up aswell, so I looked down at my feet. When I looked back up, she was gone, which gave me a slight sting in my chest.

"Maybe it's better this way…" I mumbled to myself and tried to concentrate onto the deans at the front, giving a speech.

Clarissa PoV:

I hid behind the podium, where all the Evers were sitting on. There just could be no way I was blushing from looking at a Never.  I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath.

This was more than a problem. She was a Never and a student. I shook my head and tried to get my blush back under control, before I sneaked out of the hall, trying to find my way to my office.

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