Forbidden Love (Stone x Reader Oneshot)

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This was requested! To understand what is happening in this Oneshot, I recommend going to watch the animatic 'The other side' by Zeddyzi first, as this centers around that animatic! I have placed it above!
Let us begin!

Your POV
I sat, polishing the gold. It was kind of boring, but better than hearing Ditch convince that one chick to join us. I honestly didn't care if she did, I just wanted to eat.

I looked up as the brown haired girl walked out, with Ditch following, his face a bit angry. I sighed and stood, walking next to Ditch as the girl slid down a rope. Some of the other guys, I forgot their names, rushed forward, but Ditch held out his arm, signaling for them not to. He got a sinister grin on his face, and a chill ran down my spine.

We went down the rope as she was distracted, having a Disney princess moment or some shit. I went off to the side to watch, and began thinking of my newest partner: Stone. He was so kind, always defending anyone in need, being so caring, and a great drinking partner. I sighed a bit, knowing that it could never be; he wasn't part of the gang, in fact, Ditch and him are kind of rivals. Kind of like West Side Story.

My zoned back in as Ditch put a knife to the brown haired girl's throat, and they began talking. I wasn't paying attention, that is, until two more of Ditch's men came in, holding two beaten up boys. One of them was a ginger/blonde, wearing a red beanie, but second person is what made my heart drop.

Stone was limp in the man's arms, and I watched helplessly as he was thrown to the ground. Both me and the brown haired girl ran to the boys, which surprised Ditch.

I listened for a heartbeat, and after a moment, I heard it, faintly, but it was still there. I hugged his body tightly as Ditch glared slightly.

"What exactly are you doing, (Y/N)?" Ditch asked, glaring at Stone first, then at me. "I need him alive, please! Kick me out of the gang, rough me up if you want, but please, don't kill him!" I pleaded, my voice cracking.

Ditch looked at me curiously, and the others around us backed up slightly. "Why should I keep him alive? Give me one good reason." Ditch said finally. "Because I love him!" I blurted out, though I knew it was the truth. I loved him more than anything. I didn't care if I was kicked out of the gang. I just wanted to be with Stone.

Ditch glared again, and pointed at the door, not caring about the brown haired girl any longer. "Leave. Take him and leave. And don't bother coming back." Ditch said firmly. I hoised Stone on my shoulder, the brown haired girl coming up to help me, while she also grabbed the redhead/blind (I can't tell his hair color 😭). We left the warehouse.

This is one of my first Oneshots! I hope y'all like it! I'm considering adding Ditch to the roster for Preferences, would y'all read Ditch's? Or should I not bother?

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