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Surely enough the dust cleared and Marko and Yosuke were both still alive and prepared to keep fighting, yet something odd was taking place since currently in that moment Marko was hearing a voice in his head chant his name while his psychic abilities were pulling his cuts together somewhat healing him so he muttered.

" Uh, that's new. "

Which shocked Yosuke since he was astonished at the fact that if Marko was actually being truthful then that would mean that he impressively had just learned how to heal his own wounds mid fight when he was on the verge of obtaining a lost.

" Hey, voice in my head, who are you and why are you helping me ? "

Marko asked and the voice in his head responded almost as if it wanted to ask him a question instead.

" I'm not sure myself so I guess it's a mystery, but for now I think I want to keep you alive since you're the one who has managed to free me from the object that I've been sealed away inside of for hundreds of years. My powers and consciousness was beginning to fade away as the years went by and slowly I began to forget all of my memories, yet when you were on the verge of death I was able to reawaken and you gained the ability to perceive the astral so now I want to see what else you have in store for our destinies are now intertwined. "

After those words were said the voice in Marko's head faded away and Marko snapped back into reality as Yosuke was now sitting on the ground exhausted.

" Well I admit it, I don't think I'll be able to beat you so do me a favor and go kick Dante's a$&. "

Yosuke remarked as he coughed up some more blood, however Marko then clasped his fist before asking.

" If that's so then what's there stopping me from killing you ? "

Thus Yosuke answered.

" I might be a freak but if you did that then you'd be a monster. "

So Marko smiled and walked away in search of his father Dante inorder to finish things once and for all.


Meanwhile Marko's mother was being held hostage somewhere secluded as she yelled.

" Why, why is this all happening, if only I had warned Marko, if only I could go and warn him now about his father Dante's plans, but I can't seem to escape. "

Unbeknownst to her though there were two individuals behind the door to the room that she was locked within and one of them who had blonde hair proclaimed to the other that had green hair.

" So this is the place, should we just break in and complete our mission ? "

But her green haired companion objected.

" Not so fast, we need a plan to ensure the success of our mission. "

However the blonde haired girl didn't care and simply smashed through the door using some form of ability while responding to the blonde haired girl.

" Forget about your plan, we're strong enough to handle this aren't we ? "

Hence Marko's mother saw them and asked.

" Who are you two young ladies ? "

Thus both the girl's answered.

" We're here to save you mam, come right this way. "


While Marko's mother was walking along with the two girl's the green haired girl murmured.

" Ugh... I can't believe you were so reckless in displaying your ability in front of a normal person, wait until captain hears about this. "

Nevertheless the blonde haired girl heard her and retorted.

" Ugh, shut up ! You always run to our captain because you know that I have a crush on him and he seems to think that you're kinda cute. "

With that they began to argue as the green haired girl now added.

" Ugh, I don't see why I even had to do this mission with you anyway, I could've gotten this all done hours ago if you hadn't decided to stop and buy those damn burgers. "

They weren getting more and more furious by the second almost as if they were about to start fighting, but before their argument could've gotten out of hand Marko's mother mumbled to herself aloud pulling their attentions to her since she was standing between them both.

" I'm confused, who are these young ladies and how did they know that I was even here in the first place, why are they rescuing me ? "

This caused them to answer her questions in order to ease her stress.

" Don't worry mam we're from a special organization like your husband's, we're simply fixing his messes before things get out of hand. "

Notwithstanding this answer Marko's mother yelled unwilling to accept such nonsense in her eyes.

" Uh, your both just a couple of kids, do you expect me to believe you two on that just because you said so, are you sure you're not my son Marko's school friends !? "

Unable to quickly muster up a reasonable answer that wouldn't require them exposing the truth about the government and it's secret experiments on people who possessed super powers the blonde haired girl whispered.

" Sleep. "

Throwing Marko's mother into a even more hysterical state as she yelled.

" What are you two up to, did my husband set you girls up to this, I won't take another step until you to ex...? "


Remarkably enough just as the blonde haired girl whispered Marko's mother had now suddenly fallen asleep effectively ending her hysteria once and for all without them having to answer any of her questions, but slightly annoyed the green haired girl asked.

" Why didn't you do this as soon as we got to the door, this is complicating things ? "

Nevertheless the blonde haired girl smiled answering as if things were going all according to plan.

" Come on, it's more fun this way plus didn't you want to know how much she knew about us and our abilities ? Well I'm off to my darling so have fun carrying her !!! "

And with that she sprinted away at super speeds leaving her comrade behind, prompting the green haired girl to face palm herself as she muttered underneath her breath.

" Why did I have to get stuck teaming up with her of all people, I was right it would've definitely went much smoother if I was doing this alone ? "


Meanwhile the prime minister was running as fast as he could trying to get as far away as possible but Dante was following  closely behind him menacingly walking while holding out one of his hand using his gravity ability to slow down the prime minister so he wouldn't need to run after him.

" Where do you think you're going my prime minister ? "

Dante asked mockingly.

" Please let me go, I'll give you lots of money if you please spare me !? "

The prime minister yelled in response desperate to get away from him with his life intact, however Dante had no plans on letting him go until he was completely satisfied so the offer of lots of money did nothing in stopping him from continuing as he then asked.

" My dear prime minister, do you mind answering a few of my questions if you saw no then you'll be immediately turned into a blood stain, just a heads up ? "

There was silence for a moment as the prime minister gulp down some saliva anticipating what would happen if he said anything, perceiving this as his compliance Dante asked.

" So where is that hidden place ? "


Mysterious Destiny. Final Edition Where stories live. Discover now