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( Marko's P. O. V. )

" I'm Shinta by the way and I was truly hated by everyone around me for being a freak of nature, they were willing to bring me down even if it meant putting a little kid in dangers way. So don't be like I was kid, don't be a jerk who's hated by everyone or else you'll be alone forever. "

The red haired freak told me revealing his entire backstory, although I couldn't say that I still hated him as much as I did before he was a freak so I still hated him nonetheless...

" The dark side in my heart is something that can never be lectured away, I don't care, I don't give a damn. I'll escape with my own two hands without becoming a freak since if science taught me anything then powers aren't real and I know for sure that I'm not a monster so I'll continue to fight as a human !!! "

I proclaimed letting him know how I really felt, and that's when another guy stepped forward saying.

" You'll never be stronger if you follow this world, because this world is very blind so wouldn't it be wise to remove your self imposed blindfold... Who knows maybe your the strongest one here ? "

He was a black haired teenager who seemed to be a little bit younger than me, although  he seemed to be here for awhile since his hair had started covering his eyes.

" Are you calling all those scientist liars, they've spent years researching with the best intentions for mankind, they've worked so hard so we could all be happy !? "

I exclaimed shouting profoundly at him since these freak's were trying they're hardest to recruit me into their silly little crew.

" You just said that they're doing research with the best intentions for mankind but yet you say your a human and your here right now locked up, earlier you said that scientist disgust you but yet now your defending them saying it's for our happiness so why do you look so sad, is it because your still confused ? "

Then the red head added.

" I'd say he was building up a straw man argument against freaks but infact he's just creating multiple fallacies. "

So I immediately shut up realizing that those freaks actually had a point I wasn't exactly making any sense, I withdrew to myself and refused to continue speaking to them only pretending to be asleep once again.

Everyone then decided to leave me alone to cool off, however the kid who's hair covered his eyes decided to stick around sitting next to me saying.

" I was also once like you, when I found out I had abilities I thought it had to be a dream since I absolutely hated the idea that everything I thought I knew could be a lie, but now there's no room for doubt since I'm  locked up in here regardless of what I choose to believe. But Yosuke is hatching a escape plan so it's about staying here by yourself or leaving with us 'freaks'. "

Still I continued to pretend to be sleeping so he would leave me alone, but he continued to speak almost as if he didn't really care if I could hear him or not.

" When I first figured out that I had abilities I called up a friend of mine desperate for him to tell me that it wasn't true... "

( The guys explanation of what had happened below... )

" Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up !!! "

I said as I rang his phone and he eventually answered.

" Hey, are you alright ? "

So I told him as I panicked unable to assemble any proper sentence structure.

" No, no, no I... Others voices in my mind, hear others thoughts, what's happening to me I'm normal right !? "

Mysterious Destiny. Final Edition Where stories live. Discover now