Loona's mark

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A/n: new chapter enjoy.

After work, Y/n and Loona both decided to go to his place so they could hang out more. On the way out, they were stopped by Blitzo.

Blitz: And, where do you think you two are going?

Loona crosses her arms at Blitzo, annoyed, and knows what he's doing.

Loona: Hanging out with my childhood friend.

Blitzo tapping his foot suspiciously, looking at the two.

Blitz: To where?

Y/n: To my place, to hang out.

Blitzo widens his eyes after hearing this

Blitz: No no fuck no. Loonie, that's human language for humans to have sex.

Y/n: and since when you learned about humans.

Blitz: I'll have you know that I went to a school that teaches us about humans.

Loona rolled her eyes, knowing their is no such thing of that. Blitzo never had experience with a human that doesn't want to fuck her just wants to be her best friend even though she wants him more then that.

Y/n: You probably fell asleep during that class.

Loona: Or expelled.

Blitz: If you human wants to hang with Loona, you have to get through me

Loona sighs, but then gets a good idea.

Loona: Hey , Blitz, Stolas is here.

Blitzo widens his eyes, hiding in a vent.  To take cover.

Blitz: Quick protect my Dick!

Loona and Y/n chuckles, they then walked out of the building. On the way to his apartment. Y/n noticed something red flashing on Loona's Collar.

Y/n: Hey, Loona, what's this on your collar?

Loona looks at Y/n confused. He takes the light out of her collar, and she gets even more confused. When she didn't realize that was in her collar.

Y/n: Blitzo's tracking device, just incase some pervert tries to fuck her.

Loona then growls.

Loona: How long has he had that on me?

Y/n: Don't know, but I have a good idea how to throw him off.

She then sees a stripper like hellhound crossing the streets. Y/n flicks it lands in her shorts. Loona covers her mouth

Loona: I can't fucking believe you did that.

Y/n: I know, now come on, let's go before your dad ruins it.

Loona nodded as they walked to his apartment. Once, they got close to his apartment. Y/n heard a familiar voice groans. Loona's ear flicked up.

Loona: Y/n something wrong?

Y/n looks to see who it was it was his stalker from the shelter. A year after Loona left.

Y/n: It's my stalker Rachel.

Rachel:  Y/n! Long time no see.

She pounces on him to the ground, hugging him. Loona growls at her for doing something like this. As Y/n was now picked up, Rachel was hugging him tight.

Loona: *This bitch.*

Y/n temps to shove her off, but she was in the love faze.

Y/n: Rachel, get off me!

My Human friend ( Human male reader X Loona) +18Where stories live. Discover now