Loona's Childhood friend

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A/n: New story, that one of my Fallowers that gave this idea to me. Thanks, so enjoy this story about Loona having a human friend when she was in the Orphange.

At the age of 10. in hell.

Y/n was sitting in a cell of the orphanage on a bed, looking up at the ceiling playing with his ball, by throwing it up into the air and then catching it with his right hand. he sighs thinking about why his parents did that to him, making some kind of cult, Then sending him to hell for fuck up reasons then getting, end up locked up with hellhounds he doesn't even know. He knows that hellhound kid, but he's dick anyways. He looks at the scratches that were made by a hellhound who just left. He then felt a nudge on his back, with his nail bat.

Hellhound kid: Hey, furless, want to play baseball, your head can be the baseball, and I'll be the batter.

Y/n rolled his eyes annoyed, and the kid wondered why he hadn't been adopted. He got a good idea.

Y/n: I've got a better idea.

Y/n sets up on the bed. Takes the bat from the brat catching him, off guard. swings it hits the hellhound kid in the face sending him to a wall, where a 12-year-old Hellhound named Loona is on her phone, and looks to her side where the brat is lying down in a daze She rolls her eyes, then resumes back to her phone. But, in her heart, she knew there was more to Y/n than just that.

Loona: *This little shit, never learns why bothered messing with a human with anger issues, or is there more to him. *

She then looks up to see Y/n, going back to catching and throwing the ball, she looks around to see there are only two beds. One of them was already taken by the brat. Y/n glances at Loona to know she needs sleep since some assholes ignored her again, He knows that she was upset about that Even worst the old bitch just ignores the fights or the hellhounds here try to force them to have sex with her, or Y/n but, mostly her. He sighs gets up walks over to her, she glances up from her phone and glares at him, getting ready for anything just in case he tries something, lowering her ears.

Loona: The fuck, You want?

Y/n: You, can take the bed I'll take the floor.

Loona looks at the now, empty bed. Then, back at Y/n squinting her eyes.

Loona: What's your game here human, trying to fuck me.

Y/n: Pff, like I have fucking time for that. look take the bed or not, unless you want to sleep on dirt.

Loona looked on the ground, True she didn't want to sleep on the floor like she was a dog. She sighed, Loona got up off the floor and then looked at Y/n.

Loona: T-thanks, I guess. Um, Loona.

Y/n: Not bad name, Y/n.

She then lies back down, on the ground, She feels something on her back and looks behind her to see it is a journal, That he's been keeping ever since he got here, She looks down to see Y/n is already asleep on the uncomfortable floor. she reads it, she knows it's wrong for her to do something like this, but wanted to know why, Y/n was always distancing himself from the others. Once, she read the last part, my parents sent me to hell, which explained everything.

Loona: * So, That's why, Y/n always has anger issues, well this is hell after all, so he's just trying to protect himself, but, why me out of all shitheads here?*

Read the next part, Hoping He and Loona become friends in the future.

Loona: *He, wants to be friends with me. But, all I was mean to everyone even him.*

My Human friend ( Human male reader X Loona) +18Where stories live. Discover now