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(Homesickness for a home you cant return to or that never was)

They say home is where the heart finds solace,
a refuge to return to after a long day.
Once, I had a home too,
a sanctuary that embraced me with warmth and comfort
Its walls echoed with laughter and love, a haven that welcomed me in every season.

But now, as I stand amidst its ruins,
I realize that home, my safe haven, has crumbled before my eyes.

It's a peculiar feeling—being homeless in the world, not knowing where to seek shelter.

Every corner feels unfamiliar, every door a stranger's threshold.
I yearn for the comfort of my lost home, but how do I return to something that exists only in memories?

All I held dear vanished with the home I once knew. The thought of seeking another home feels daunting, for I am tired, lacking strength. Yet, amidst it all, there lingers a silent yearning
for the comfort of Hiraeth, the home that cannot be returned to.

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