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Forever- the most beautiful lie of all.
It rolls off tongues effortlessly,
But to me, it holds the weight of eternity,
a vow until my last breath

Yet, for some, it seemed to encompass just a few fleeting years.
Perhaps I had the wrong definition of forever,
or maybe they were reading from a different dictionary altogether.

How is it that their noses don't grow like Pinocchio's?
Is it too difficult to commit to forever?
or is it simply too daunting to
envision a lifetime with me?

But if forever be a falsehood,
Then let someone deceive me sweetly,
Prove my heart wrong
for I am a hopeless romantic,
yearning for that eternal promise.
a silly little lover girl
In a world where love often fades,
I continue to wait, hoping for someone to lie to me,
to tell me that forever is ours to share.

To someone who said if forever is a lie I hope someone lies to me and prove me wrong thankyou for the inspiration ❤️

whispers of a wallflower Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz