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(Inability to express your feelings)

Sitting on my sofa, attempting to write,
Heart racing, eyes shut tight.
I breathe in deep, then let out a sigh,
A lump in my throat, a tear ready to fly.

My mind's a mess, voices screaming in my head,
"huh ,Can't even write a word," they laughingly said.
My lips tremble, a tear starts to fall,
"QUIET" I want to scream but the words don’t call.

Trying to speak, but silence stays,
Words trapped inside, as if bound in chains.
So much to say, yet unable to convey,
The frustration, like a heavy weight, does weigh.

Numbness creeps, like a heavy cloak,
Craving peace, the voices choke.
Drifting off to sleep, seeking some rest,
As the noise fades, I finally feel blessed.

For the ones who often struggle to express because even tho their mind's a mess words get lost in translation...i feel you ❤️

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