Chapter 12

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This one keeps giving me trouble....the last bit keeps getting deleted. I've fixed it, hopefully it stays that way. So sorry for any confusion!



~Em's PoV~

I finish signing the contract, after reading through it thoroughly. Basically it stated that if I quit the movie for anything other than a doctor's removal I will have to fork over a ton of cash. Apparently Alec doesn't want to go through this again. I smile at my director,  unable to contain my excitement. My first movie role, and a lead at that! This is what I've been hoping for for years. But I never would have guessed that the role would come so early in my career.

I've been having this career, technically, for a little over six months. So it is incredibly rare for something like this to come so early on. And because of Alec's steadily growing reputation as a talented director, and Hidden gets such great reviews that I'm positive Persuasive will get some amazing reviews as well. A doubt creeps into my mind. The only reason it wouldn't be popular is if the script and the cast are lacking. I have no worries about the script, but since I don't know whom I'm working with, I'm clueless as to the talent of my fellow actors.

Alec hands me my copy of the contract, a manila folder with the word Persuasive on the label-the script-and on top, a sheet that looks like a schedule. "Since you're still a part of Hidden, I went ahead and had my secretary make up a schedule for you. Now you will be aware of what days you will be working on each set."

"You went ahead?" Colette points out. If she was a bird her feathers would be ruffled. "Its like you knew she would accept." Alec smiles calmly at Ms. Duran. "I did." He responds rather quickly. Colette's eyes widen, but she keeps her mouth shut, probably not knowing what to say. I glance at Colette. "There's no way I wouldn't have accepted it. This is what I want to do. This is my dream."

Colette takes a breath before responding. "I know it is. I still think that you have too much going on." I smile. "All right, then call Dominic and tell him I can't model for a while." Colette shakes her head. "No," she says with a firm tone, "Absolutely not. That part of your life is steady, paying well, and you have a commitment to that first. No. You're just going to be massively busy until Persuasive is over. And in the end you're going to see just how tired you are, and see that I was right." She begins to mutter, more to herself than to Alec or I. "They all have to learn it at some point."

"Thorn," Alec says quietly, "Make sure you read over that script. You start at the end of this week." I put all of the papers into the folder and leave, excusing myself. Once I'm outside, I grin widely. I zoom down the halls, laughing, spinning, smiling, running, squealing and dancing. I'm exuberant. That was amazing, and not what I expected from Alec at all. "Thank you!" I yell out to no one in particular.

I spin around and around and bump unintentionally into Ian. I look up at him, my face flushed as I try to catch my breath. I haven't forgotten our argument this morning, and Ian's not quite forgiven. "Did you find out what Alex wanted you for?" Ian asks as he puts his hands on my shoulders to steady me. I nod and smile widely again. "He offered me a role in his movie. The lead female role!" Ian's smile dominates his face. He picks me up and spins me around, laughing. He stops and holds me to him, my hands draped around his neck, my legs around his waist for support.

"Precious, that's...that's....God I dunno I'm just so proud of you! This is huge!" I grin. "I know. Why do you think I'm so happy?" Ian leans forward and rests his forehead on mine, stepping straight, so my back is against the wall. "Emilee, I'm sorry." His eyes search mine; looking for me to display some sort of emotion. I remain still, forbidding myself to reveal my feelings. "I'm so sorry for making you feel like and idiot. Believe me, that wasn't my intention."

I let out my breath and  look up at his breathtaking eyes slowly. "Are you really sorry? You know," I swallow, "that I can't, that I don't like to be treated like that. Like I know nothing. It makes me feel..." I trail off. I'm sounding like a simple cry baby again, even more if I say it out loud. Ian stares at me, his gaze soft and loving. "Makes you feel what?" I swallow the frog that decided to sit in my throat. "Weak." I answer in a whisper.

Ian's arms hold onto me tighter as his eyes dilate. "Oh baby." He whispers to me. I can feel the tears come. Much as I hate to admit it, I'm weak. And I hate it. Especially when someone points it out through their words or actions. Ian holds me to him. No words, no kisses, he just stands there and holds me. "I will never make you feel like that again."

I close my eyes and lay my head against his chest, my arms buried between our chests. I feel Ian pull in a shaky breath and let it out slowly. "That...I can't belive I did that. Emilee, you are one of the strongest women that I know, please don't ever think differently. You accept each new day with a smile, you aren't afraid to speak your mind and be yourself, you overcome obstacles in your life without any hesitation. That's why I love you. Don't think you're weak, don't feel weak. There is no way you could ever be weak when you're such a strong one."

I breathe in his smell, take in the feel of his arms. "No," I whisper. "You're the strong one."

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