Chapter three.

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I am awaken by screaming in the kitchen. Guess mom and dad are home. Sounds like they are in amazing spirits. I think as I sit up rubbing coops stomach. "Do they have to be so loud?" I ask my fluffy black cat who purrs in response.

I shake my head standing up and stretching. My back pops causing my face to scrunch in pain before I walk into my bathroom. My hair was a disheveled mess. And my eyes were slightly puffy. I turn on the sink waiting for the water to warm a little before splashing my face. I sigh looking at myself once again.

My eyes were the softest brown possibly bordering hazel. But the thick rimmed glasses and dark bags under my eyes hide the beauty. My lips were a nude pink with a perfect Cupid bow and a plump bottom lip. The perfect face. My mom use to tell me. And maybe she right I am beautiful but I don't see how when no one want to talk to the smart kid.


I look down at my ankles to see cooper patting my calf with his paw. "Hungry baby boy?" I ask scooping him in my arms. "Moms and dads arguing sounds to of calmed down. Let's go see about getting you some food" I hum as we walk out of the room. I peak into the kitchen to see the two adults glaring at each other. That's my cue to hurry up and feed my cat then book it to my room!

I walk over to the side closet that hold the pet supplies. I gently bend over to let go of the cat as I scoop some food into a bowl. "Here you go handsome" I say softly petting his back.

I stand back up straight walking past my arguing parents. "I'm skipping dinner tonight" I say tho I doubt they heard much less cared. Walking into my room I make myself comfortable at my desk before pulling out my lap top. I open it up at sign it clicking on word doc for my latest project.

Author note:

Here we are. Sorry it's so short I'm working on fixing grammatical errors of the past parts.

What do yall think?

Family drama in the making???


Lots of love

New update soon!


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