Chapter 1

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"You know people and emotions are strange. One minute you're in love the next you are protecting yourself from that love. Only to soon after start the whole thing over again. It's stresses the human brain and is unethical in general for the human race to go through. It causes everyday activities to change. Families to break apart, school and work to become complicated. Why does one keep pushing for  this strange emotional connection we happen to call love? And does it truly represent what one claims?"

I look up at the crowd of people in front of me. My hand flicks my note cards as realization strikes me. I just- I was- wow...

"What an interesting...out look" my  twelfth grade English teacher interrupts my thoughts.

Her voice was one of disgust and displeasure, the most common facial expression she gives instead of trying to encourage her students. Her greying hair doesn't match her green eyes. There's a reason she's known as a witch. Mrs. Gravel. The teacher everyone despises and begs to be removed from the class.

I plop back into the creaky chair feeling the legs wobbling slightly. I set my cards down neatly on my desk before looking back around the room. Most students sat in groups of three or four mainly with their friends many of them chattering softly. Meanwhile I look over to my group. There was me and no one else...

After all no one would willing sit by the girl who isn't from this town. Much less a girl with teacher glasses frames, wears her hair in messy buns and is commonly found in sweat pants and a hoodie.

I let out a long sigh as I listen to the class idiot - Daniel- give his speech on modern warfare - no not the game- and how it's and I quite "stupid and unnecessary for our survival".

"My argument continues with how much the government spends on everything but military-"

It takes everything in me not to voice a counter argument about his ideas considering the lack of evidence much less sources how can he say that?
I just don't understand people inability to worry about the basics of things like this. Much less there inability to see how it affects them!

I toy with my glasses as I watch the clock slowly and painfully tick away at the hour I have in this room. It just couldn't ring fast enough. I start to zone out dummy and let my mind wonder to my next step in my day.

When I glance down to my notes one last time before neatly tucking them away into the card holder in my bag. Just as I zip up the soft blue book-bag the bell rings causing me. Warfares mouth to clamp quickly as we all rush for the door. No one interested in his babbling any longer.

My exist from the horrible second period was quick and simple until I hit the packed hallway. Even I at five foot six get pushed and shoved into trying to reach my next location.  

Author note:

I'm aware it's short 😂. But it's just starting give me time. Also it doesn't help this chapter idea hit me at 12 pm my time time.

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Until next time!


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