Chapter 4: Talentshow (Part 1)

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Y/N Pov:

I hate Fridays. Basically they're okay, weekend and no school until Monday. And that's exactly what it is, until Monday. After that it just goes on and on and somehow nobody cares.

Get up, wash my face, put on the same gray hoodie and take some pants out of the closet. Even pouring water into a glass...with my Telekinesis. All the time I have the feeling I've forgotten something, something important...

The Talentshow

Damn, why am I participating again? Oh well, about the prize money...1000 dollars. And the trip only costs 600 so I could just keep the rest. Although, Karasu probably wants to get paid for his 'Incredible Talent' too. So while he's talking to people, I'll be constantly using my Telekinesis and doing tricks that no one has ever seen before. And in front of I don't know how many people. How big is this theater anyway?

I keep thinking, even though I should be looking at the road while I'm on my way to the bus stop. But the incredibly loud music from my headphones doesn't let me hear a car anyway, which I'm really grateful for. The bus stop is already in front of me, and I just stand under it...and wait.

I'm supposed to play a magician, how should I actually dress for it? I don't have any robes or a hat. So a wizard in a gray hoodie and dirty pants, that's going to be bad. I at least hope that there are still buses running at these times tonight, if not, then I'm definitely not going to walk for hours to the campus. What for? To make a clown of myself in front of hundreds of people. Definitely not. When I think of all the card tricks I've seen on the internet...can I even make several objects float? Before, I only ever managed to do one thing at a time, but I didn't really try.

Quiet Vibration

My Phone? Who is texting me so early? I already have a suspicion as I take it out of my pocket, which is confirmed as soon as my display goes on.

"I'm getting on board at the second stop! Get us a good seat and don't stare at the ass of-

I don't read any further, at least I can imagine how the message ends. This blonde girl...DogDay I think her name was. She's nice, beautiful, has a pleasant voice and is on a completely different level to me. According to Karasu, she is also the student representative of the university. Sounds like the complete opposite of me.

At that moment, the bus stops in front of me and I get on immediately. It's completely empty, not a single person, really great. No people looking at me funny, or quietly sniggering and teasing me. I sit down in my standard seat again, one in front of the last row. I sit by the window and look out as the bus drives on. Empty streets, green fields and hardly any people. And I continue to think...

What courses do I have today?

I look at my Phone and go through my timetable. Considering that Friday is actually the start of the weekend, my day looks pretty shit. First two hours of math, then economics. The sight of math makes me feel like I'm going to puke. The last time I understood math was in high school, and even then I wasn't really good. I've actually only gotten ahead so far by luck, 'How the hell did I even pass the entrance test? After the two classes there's another hour of English and PE, basically I'd give anything to stay home today.

And I still haven't paid attention to the worst part. The God-damned * talent show * that we have to win, so to speak. What kind of magic tricks are we supposed to do anyway? We must be on this stage for ten to twenty minutes, I don't think a few card tricks are enough to impress people. Especially not the judges. *Can I even manage to use my telekinesis in front of so many people and not drown in nervousness? *. What happens if I suddenly can't do it or-?

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