Chapter 1: The Worst to be

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To say that Playtime Co. College was big showed that the person making that statement idea. Apart from the several hundred classrooms and thirty floors, there really was everything. A swimming pool, a huge garden, just under twelve annexes on different floors and all that just in the college building. A few kilometers further on the campus was the huge school, that's right, not just the most famous college no... There is also a high school here. There's even a huge theatre here, and a dorm where students from very far away could live. I'd like to live there, at least then I wouldn't have to drive two hours to school every morning.

And it's all thanks to one person, Elliot Ludwig. He worked with the help of a couple studies and companies to build all of this. Of course, nobody questions that... There are not enough people to do that. After all, the failure rate of the entrance exam is about 90%. That means only one in ten people make it in...I think. At least I hope so. If I were to be wrong about such simple statements, then I really couldn't do anything.

At least I'm not alone in all this shit, I have my only friend with me: Karasu. But he's often busy checking out girls on his phone instead of helping me 'use it'. What exactly I mean is simple. A few months ago it started like this...

"You really need to find a girlfriend, dude!"


"Yeah, you don't want to be an outsider like Boxy here!" He raised his long arm and pointed at the only boy in the school who was sitting at the Cafeteria table with us. It was Boxy, not really a friend of mine, but he was quiet and didn't talk much or shout. But that was probably just because he was on his phone most of the time... No, I'll be more specific. 'He was always on his phone'. Even in class, he was always Playing, and the worst thing about the whole thing was the saddest thing. The guy had much better grades than me and Karasu... Without ever learning!

"In case you haven't noticed Karasu, I'm already an outsider." Boxy continued to play on his mobile phone and didn't even touch his food tablet. He continued typing on his mobile phone and occasionally blew away his crimson hair, which began to stand up in front of his face. He simply ignored Karasu's comment.

"Yes, but that can still change You know, some girls also like shorter boys!"
I wouldn't say I'm short. The only problem is that Karasu and Boxy are among the tallest in the school. Both are easily 6'3 feet. Whereas I'm just 5'6 feet tall.

"That's not the point, I'm just not as much of a party guy as you are!"

"You just don't have any social skills, didn't you almost shit yourself in maths class yesterday just because you asked something?"

"WHAT?" I shout it far too loudly and people slowly turn towards us. I'm getting really embarrassed. There are easily several hundred people sitting here and I'm just yelling.


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