Tower of The Legate

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Inside the walls of Soliton, along the manors of the Upper District on top of Beacon hill, there stood a towering marvel that epitomized the lingering power of the lost magocratic empire of Ledrith. It was built more than a thousand years ago when the city was just a small colony along the northern shores of Windcoast. That empire was gone, and its territories were reduced to a mere city, but its influence remained.

Constructed from locally quarried limestone and granite, the tower was just one of the dozens scattered across the continent. It was meant to be a small-scale replica of the grand tower of mages in the Ad-Nilem capital, hence it was eventually dubbed by the common people as the Small Tower. A constant symbol of the mages' authority and control over magic users across its colonies, it was one of the few that remain standing after the dissolution of the old empire.

Ascending skyward, a massive block of amber pointed towards the heavens sits on its top like a glimmering golden fist. In old times, the mages would fill the amber with magical energy, turning the tower into a lighthouse that illuminated Soliton Bay at night.

As the city grew in size and wealth over time, newer and taller structures started dwarfing the Small Tower; from the Capitol Building to the bell tower of the Church of Aitur, and the clock tower of the Harbormaster's Office. One would not be blamed to forget that it still existed, especially for ordinary citizens who have no business with magic.

And that was exactly what brought Cassana and Lira to the tower, a business with magic.

They left Ashvell's wagon at the inn, so the group took a hackney ride to the Upper District, where they were dropped off outside of the Legate Tower. Ashvell and Rei waited outside, while Cassana and Lira entered the building. A friendly clerk at the reception welcomed the pair.

"Good afternoon, what can I help you with?" asked the young man behind the counter. A pin on his chest said his name was Dominic.

"Hi, we're here to see the Legate," answered Cassana.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"No, but we have an urgent business..."

"Who's in charge of the pylons?" Lira butted in, "you know, the posts that detect magic... last time I was here, there were only three or four of them? Now they're almost everywhere."

"That would be the OMD, Office of Magical Detection," answered Dominic.

"Are there mages there?" Lira followed up.

"Not that I know of... But they do forward a weekly report to The Legate which our wizards here analyze and study." Explained the receptionist.

"Good, so that means the Legate can help us..." uttered the huntress.

"I'm sorry, what is this about?"

"You wouldn't understand," answered Cassana with extreme condescension. "We need to talk to the Legate."

"Are you a wizard..." Lira glanced at his lapel pin to read his name, "...Dominic?"

"No, I'm not. But I also can't just let you in without an appointment. The Legate is a remarkably busy man." Explained Dominic.

Cassana shared a look with Lira. She could tell that they were both already devising a way to get inside in a less traditional manner.

"But..." Dominic continued, "if you can explain to me what's going on, I can relay a message, and I might be able to convince him to meet with you."

Cassana sighed. "It's a long story..."

"I'm all ears," said Dominic.


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