The Huntress

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"What was that about?" Cassana asked Lira, almost shouting from across the room, as soon as Minos and Robb disappeared to the staircase.

"Beats me." Lira shrugged returning to face the bard on the podium.

The musician continued delivering a sweet and mesmerizing melody, while Cassana tried her best to pay attention. However, she couldn't help but feel anxious about their plan. She grabbed an empty mug and filled it up with ale.

"Is it that bad?" She heard Lira's voice as she was taking a gulp. She put down her mug on the table, and as she looked across, the drow was no longer in her seat. She turned to the other side and found her holding an empty chair. The huntress sat down beside Cassana.

Cassana was taken by surprise with how fast Lira moved, or maybe she was just too tired to pay attention. "I guess we'll find out tomorrow..." she answered.

"The deal did push through, right?"


"What time do we leave, then?"

"Before sunrise."

"That early?" Lira sighed. She grabbed the same bottle of ale that Cassana had been drinking from. "I guess I shouldn't get too drunk then."

Cassana was watching Lira take a mouthful of ale when she heard her mother's voice again. You've been very rude to her. Her inn was all but ashes yet she remained inside her head, ready to give another lecture. Be nice.

Cassana didn't like apologizing, especially when she was sure that she was blameless. Just the thought of explaining herself, or asking for forgiveness would make her skin crawl. Go on, make it right. But once she hears her mother's whisper it won't stop for the whole night, depriving her of her much needed sleep.

"Hey, uhm, Lira..." she called to the drow huntress, mincing at her words. "Thank you for being patient with me these last few days... I know that sometimes I could be very difficult..."

Lira angled her head to the side and displayed a thin grin from ear to ear, "Don't think about it too much. I know what happened to you, and your... Minos told me all about it. Also, I get why you're suspicious of me."

"I'm not suspicious, I'm just..." Cassana adjusted her seat on the chair, fighting off the embarrassment that was crawling out of her gut. "How about this, can we start again from the top?"

Lira's ears perked up, "start how?"

"We never really had a good..." the redhead stopped with what she was about to say and cleared her throat instead. She instinctively dusted off her side of the table and faced Lira, her eyes meeting hers. "Hi, my name is Cassana. It's nice to meet you."

Lira cringed, but she managed to get a hold of herself, recognizing the sincerity in Cassana's unexpected gesture. "Alright, well...

"Hi, I'm Lira, from the Zephyrean capital and it has been a pleasure to be in your company these past few days."

"This is stupid." Cassana shook her head with a smile, and the embarrassment she felt quickly disappeared.

"More stupid than the ceaseless bickering between you and Da-" Lira bit her lips before continuing. "Between you and Minos?"

Cassana tried to hold her breath but she burst out laughing after a second, almost spitting her drink. "Sorry dude, but you just... you keep fumbling his name! It's funny."

"What are you talking about?" asked Lira.

"I know Minos isn't his real name, okay? And seeing you struggle to use it while knowing his actual name.. It's just hilarious."

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