The Guild

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"What's going on?" asked Lira. She, along with Ashvell, had just finished their turns being interviewed and were stepping out of the building towards Robb and Cassana.

"They said the city is under martial law..." answered the redhead.

"Marshall what?" Asked Ashvell.

"I'm not sure, but it doesn't sound good. They said something about gates being closed, and staying inside the houses..." Cassana scanned her eyes around her, watching every single movement in the crowd. The guards that arrived had all moved out, probably heading to the next gate. Same as the herald.

All four of them stood at the side of the road, anxiously watching things unfold. A few moments later, Minos appeared from a different side of the street.

"Where'd you been?" asked Cassana.

"I have a Diplomat's pass, I don't need to go through the same hoops as you guys." Minos answered.

"Whatever. Do you know what's happening?"

"They said the Burgrave declared martial law," answered Minos.

"What does that mean?"

"Apparently, the city is facing some sort of crisis and that the military, or in this case, the City Watch, are on heightened alert. The city will be on lock-down, so no one gets in or out. And there'll be a curfew by nightfall, everybody should be inside their houses."

"For how long?"

"Until whatever crisis is resolved, I guess..."

"What crisis?" asked Lira.

Minos shrugged.

Cassana sat at the edge of the wagon, slamming her forehead to her palms. "This can't be happening..."

"What are we gonna do?" asked Ashvell.

"Nothing," answered Minos in nonchalant. He leaned on the side of the vehicle bearing down his weight. "We'll just have to wait it out."

"We can't wait it out," blurted Cassana, "we need to get Rei to The Tower as soon as possible."

"Why are you so concerned about Rei?" Asked Minos.

"Why are you not?" Cassana snapped back. "Isn't he your friend?"

"He's not your friend," Minos answered dodgingly.

Robb looked back at the wizard. He was expecting her to say something, some retort or clap-back, like she always did. But she remained silent.

As the sky continued to grow darker, the crowd around them continued to grow thinner. A pair of guards was walking down the road, calmly reminding everyone to return to their homes.

"What we need to do is find an inn where we can spend the night in..." Minos said, "probably for the next few days." He squeezed through where Cassana was seated and climbed up the wagon, rocking it as he sat. He motioned for the rest to follow. Cassana stood up and dejectedly moved to the front passenger seat.

"I may have something..." Lira said, calling everyone's attention.

"Something what?" asked Minos.

"I'll have to check first, but it's not entirely legal..."

Minos nodded, seemingly aware of what she was referring to. "This will get us in trouble," he warned. The rest waited for Lira to finish her sentence.

"Not if we do it carefully," Lira replied.

"Can you be more specific?" asked Cassana with budding impatience.

"I know people from The Guild," answered Lira, "I'll need to contact them first."

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