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Hey everyone! Finally, after a three-year hiatus, I am back on the saddle, ready to continue the adventures of Cassana and Minos. A lot has happened since I finished part 1; I got a new job, I got married, and we got a baby. All throughout, I've always known I'm gonna continue writing part 2, I just needed to find time.

Rest assured, I had been chipping on it on and off for the last three years, and now I finally reached a point that I feel confident to share those updates to you. So for the next few weeks, I will be releasing Part 2: State of Panic one chapter per week. Hopefully, the people who loved the first part would find this and love it the same way.

Now in case you're never read part 1, I have a link somewhere you can click. Please read that one first before continuing. 

For those who already read part 1, don't worry, I got a recap below you can read to help you remember everything that's happened so you can finally jump into the next leg of the story.

Thank you for reading my book, and I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to vote up the chapters and feel free to leave your thoughts on the comment section.


Minos and Rei arrive at the village by the mountain after hitching a ride with Ashvell and Robb. They are heading to the Hidden Scabbard Inn to find Tullius, the last person who have seen the missing Sword of the Godslayer, an artifact that bears utmost importance to the Varinian royal family. However, he is greeted by Cassana, Tullius' daughter, who told him that her father died during the war.

Nevertheless, Minos asks Cassana about the missing artifact, but she denies knowing anything about it. Disappointed, he leaves, but not before visiting the local charcoal maker who lives in the forest.

Meanwhile, Cassana's boyfriend, Otheric, returns from an expedition he undertook with his parents. Unfortunately, his parents didn't survive the trip, but he still managed to find the artifact they were looking for, with the help of a group of renegade drows called the Silver Moon Order.

Cassana meets the group, who were staying at Otheric's manor. Their leader, Nymgos, directs Cassana to translate the runes inscribed on the ancient artifact, a bow previously owned by the drow goddess, Maeve. She reluctantly agrees and tells him that she will return to get the materials she needs for translating.

Cassana goes back home to her inn to gather her father's notes. She asks Ashvell to help her bring them up to Otheric's manor, but before they could leave, the renegade drows attack the inn. Cassana is rendered unconscious from a poisoned dagger, and Ashvell is almost killed by a mage drow. The drows burn the inn and take Cassana back with them.

Meamwhile, Minos and Rei are taking camp in the forest overlooking their village. They notice the inn burning, so they quickly climb down to help the villagers. They arrive just in time to save Ashvell and Bonnie from being burned alive. Some of the witnesses tell them about Cassana's abductors, and they follow their trail up to Otheric's manor.

On their way, they find Robb, who is holding on to Cassana's staff, hoping to find a way to give it to her. Minos takes it and brings with them while telling Robb to get to safety. Minos and Rei sneak into the manor, which Minos discovers was the house of Ecbert the Bold, a famous adventurer and treasure hunter. He searches among his gallery of collected treasures but is disappointed that the Sword of the Godslayer is among it. Unbeknownst to him, though, he leaves Cassana's staff in the gallery.

At the same time, Cassana wakes up to find her and Otheric in chains. The drows force her to translate the inscription on the artifact in exchange for Otheric's life. She agreed and started studying the artifact. However, thinking that the drows would not keep them alive after, she devises a plan to escape. She lures the mage drow into a spell after she finishes translating the runes, and the mage drow is burned alive by the spell.

Cassana runs away to get Otheric and escape, and along the way, she finds her staff that Minos left. She also realizes that the drow mage survived the spell she cast and the two fights. Cassana defeats the mage drow, but at the cost of her Focusing Stone getting depleted. So she takes the drow mage's Focusing stone after maiming her hand.

Minos and Rei, on the other hand, find Otheric in chains in his parents' room. They help him, and the three proceed to find Cassana. However, they were set upon by Nymgos, the drows' leader. The trio fought him, but they were no match. They brought the fight to the roof of the Manor, where they eventually defeat him, but soon they discover that he is a werewolf

Nymgos transforms and continues attacking the three, wrecking the roof top, and they all land below to where Cassana is. The four continue to find the monster, and Rei gets bitten. Cassana tells Minos to escape with her boyfriend, and she finishes the werewolf by encasing him in a silver armor, stopping the monster's regenerative abilities.

Minos stabs Nymgos, finally killing it. However, the monster was able to fling its weapon and hit Cassana's boyfriend. With no more energy left in her Focusing Stone, Otheric dies in Cassana's arms.

Minos steals Maeve's bow and Cassana's father's notes before they all head back to the village. Cassana discovers that Rei has been cursed with lycantrophy. She attempts to relieve his wounds, but she insists he must be brought to The Tower to get the cure for the curse.

Ashvell and his father, the charcoal maker, help build a coffin for Otheric, and Cassana buries him. Meanwhile, Lira, another drow, arrives at the village, looking for Minos. She tells him that she is tasked with returning him to the capital, but Minos convinces her otherwise, after showing her the notes he stole from Cassana. He decrypts the writings of Cassana's father and finds a map that leads to the Sword of the Godslayer.

Cassana tells Minos about sailing towards Ad-Nilem to get Rei the cure from the wizards of The Tower. Minos agrees as long as they bring Lira with them. Robb also asks to join, saying that he wants to find his parents in the port city of Soliton, where Minos will charter a ship that will ferry them to their destination. Ashvell drives the party on his wagon, and they all depart...

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