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A month had passed since Y/N had found sanctuary in Charlie's home, and in that time, their bond had deepened into a friendship built on trust and understanding. Yet, amidst the tranquility of their shared life, a special visitor was about to arrive—a visitor who would bring both joy and uncertainty.

"I'm gonna go pick her up, are you gonna be okay here by yourself?" Charlie's soft words broke the calm of their morning routine, his eyes reflecting concern. She looked up from the egg on her fork. She nodded eagerly, her smile bright.

 "I'll be fine, have fun," she assured him. As Charlie pulled her into a brief embrace before leaving, she couldn't help but laugh at his goofy smile, a warmth filling her chest at the sight.

Bella, Charlie's daughter, was visiting for the year—a prospect that filled Charlie with excitement and trepidation. He had missed Bella dearly since she moved to live with her mother in Arizona, but the thought of her discovering his growing affection for Y/N made him uneasy.

Driving to the airport, Charlie tried to push away his worries. Spotting Bella with her purple suitcase and distant expression, he called out to her, his voice gentle yet firm. Reluctantly, Bella approached the car, her gaze distant as she settled in.

"Hey, Charlie," Bella greeted him softly, her eyes avoiding his as she looked out the window.

As they arrived at the doorstep, Bella's presence injected the house with new energy, though an air of uncertainty lingered. Y/N greeted her warmly, extending a hand in greeting, but Bella's response was guarded, her eyes betraying suspicion.

"Hi! I'm Y/N," the girl said, her smile bright as she introduced herself to Bella. But Bella's response was cool, her confusion evident.

"Bella," Charlie interjected firmly, having briefed Bella about Y/N during their ride home. "Y/N has been excited to meet you," he assured, casting a reassuring glance at the girl he had grown fond of.

Throughout the day, Bella's demeanor remained frosty, her interactions with Y/N terse and guarded. It was clear she sensed something was amiss, though Charlie prayed she wouldn't uncover the truth about their burgeoning relationship.

Later that evening, as Charlie prepared dinner, Bella pulled him aside, her expression unreadable. "Dad, can we talk?" she asked, her tone serious.

Concerned, Charlie followed Bella into the living room, where they could speak in private. "What's on your mind, Bells?" he inquired, trying to mask his unease.

Bella hesitated before speaking, her words measured yet filled with conviction. "Dad, I can't help but notice the way you and Y/N act around each other," she began, her gaze piercing. "It's obvious something is going on between you two." she thinks back to earlier in the day when he had wrapped his arm around the girl and pulled her to his chest.

Charlie's heart sank at Bella's observation, his mind racing with excuses and explanations. "Bella, it's not what you think," he started, but Bella cut him off with a pointed look.

"She is closer to my age than yours," Bella pointed out bluntly, her words hitting Charlie like a punch to the gut.

Charlie sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Bella, it's complicated," he admitted, feeling a pang of guilt at the thought of deceiving his daughter. "Y/N has been through a lot, and she needs our help right now."

Bella's expression softened at her father's words, a flicker of understanding shining in her eyes. "I just want to make sure I'm reading the situation right," she paused "I was worried," she confessed, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Charlie nonned at her concern, "I know, Bells," he murmured, patting her softly on the back.

He makes his way back into the kitchen where Y/N sits, a worried expression on her face. Charlie walks up behind her and kisses her head.

"Do you think she likes me?" She asks, clearly concerned.

"She's just confused," He assures, "I'm sure she likes you," Charlie says smiling softly at her, before returning to making dinner. A door slams from upstairs, clearly Bella's bedroom door. Charlies closes his brown eyes with an annoyed sigh, before continuing cooking.

"You know if it helps, I can find somewhere else to stay." The girl says, not sure where exactly she would stay.

Charlie shakes his head, immediately vetoing the idea, "No, no way." He says, "I want you here." He says, looking down at her.

She looks down at the table unsure, making him put his fingers under her chin. "Do you understand me?" he says, a new voice coming out that the girl had never heard before; it was stern and undeniably sexy.

"Yes," she says quietly, trying to avoid his eyes, this just makes him move her chin up further.

"Yes, what?" butterflies erupt in the girl's stomach, in the whole month of her being here he had never acted like this before...she liked it.

"Yes, sir." he nodded sternly, letting go of her chin.

"Good girl." 

A/N: I don't love this chapter, but I wanted them to start being more connected with each other. 

QUESTION OF THE DAY: what did you think of this chapter?

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