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The sun was setting over the sleepy town of Forks, though the sky was anything but warm as rain poured down heavily on the roads; Charlie Swan, the town's police chief, made his way home after a long day at work. As he drove, his thoughts wandered back to his work, he could never seem to escape the chains that his career put on him. He sighed, the weight of responsibility settling heavily on his shoulders. He decided he might as well stop at 'The Carver Cafe' for dinner, which always seemed to calm him down.

Just as he approached his favorite diner, he noticed a young woman sitting on the steps outside, her head bowed and shoulders slumped. Curiosity piqued, and dinner was long forgotten. Charlie parked his car and approached her cautiously. She looked around without making eye contact with the man in front of her, and he could see the bruises marring her delicate features.

"Hey there, everything okay?" Charlie asked, his concern evident in his voice, he approached her as though he was approaching a scared animal.

The girl hesitated for a moment before nodding faintly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just waiting for someone." She lied, she had not been waiting for anyone, and her voice was delicate and slightly pained.

Charlie studied her for a moment, sensing that there was more to her story than she was letting on. "You don't look fine," he remarked gently. "Do you need some help?"

Tears rose in the girl's eyes, and she shook her head. "I-I don't know," she admitted softly. "I don't have anywhere to go." a tear was finally released from her eye as she finally glanced up at him, and her eyes widened at the sight of the chief in front of her, she couldn't lie; he was an attractive man.

Charlie's heart went out to her. Knowing she was in distress, he couldn't bear to leave her alone. "Listen, why don't you come with me for now? We can figure something out together." His voice was patient and very kind, almost making the girl melt.

The girl looked up at him, uncertainty flickering in her gaze. After a moment's hesitation, she nodded, grateful for the offer of kindness from a stranger.

Charlie led the girl, whose name she revealed to be Y/N, to his modest home on the outskirts of town. As they entered, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. The warmth and comfort of the cozy house felt like a distant dream compared to the cold and neglect she had endured for so long. She smiled at the sight of a warm sitting area, a quaint fireplace parallel to the soft cream-colored couch.

Charlie offered her a cup of tea, which she accepted gratefully, and they settled on the couch. Charlie made sure she was settled before standing up to put some wood into the fireplace, he rolled up his sleeves to his elbows as he knelt down to light the flame. Y/N admired him for a moment before he stood back up and turned to look at her.

"You gonna tell me why you're all banged up? Or do I have to guess?" He said softly, eyebrows furrowed with curiosity.

The girl hesitated before opening up about the events that had happened before the diner, the fear, and uncertainty evident in her voice as she recounted the abuse she had suffered at the hands of her stepfather. "He would hit me," she looked down at the floor, tears welling up in her gentle eyes once more, "it had never been this bad before...I couldn't stay there." she paused quickly, "Not after this." Charlie nodded in understanding.

"Where was your mom." the girl quickly glanced away, shaking her head. It was clear he had hit a nerve, and his eyes softened at the realization, making the girl nod.

"He got full custody after she died," She paused, "I've been trying to save up enough money to move out...but my job is shitty." She says, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

Charlie listened with a heavy heart, his protective instincts kicking in as he vowed to help her in any way he could. "You're safe here, Y/n," he reassured her. "No one will hurt you." quiet surrounded the two of them for a moment before Charlie extended his hand out for her to grab. "let's get you cleaned up, how about that?" the girl hesitated before accepting his outstretched hand, it felt rough in comparison to her own.

Charlie softly pulled her towards the bathroom attached to his bedroom and sat her on the closed toilet seat, he then turned around to search for his small first aid kit.

"It ain't too bad," Charlie said, after finding the kit, though the girl could tell he was trying to make her feel a little bit better. "Just a few cuts here and there I'll clean." Those cuts no doubt from the ring her father had been wearing, they just made the beating hurt ten times more.

The two sat silently for a while, Charlie crouching in front of the girl's face to get a good look. She admired his rough face while he cleaned the cuts, and it helped distract her from the pain.

"How are you so good at this?" the girl questions quietly, making Charlie glance up into her eyes.

"Well besides the fact that I'm the chief of police and am trained to do this stuff..." he pauses, his eyes looking very distant as though he's remembering something, "I raised the most rambunctious little girl." He smiles softly.

"You have a daughter?" Y/N asks, a smile crawling onto her face, Charlie nods quickly.

"Yeah," he says, smiles slowly vanishing, "she's coming to stay with me in a few months while her mother is traveling the country." He says, making the girl nod in acknowledgment.

"Well, she's lucky to have a father like you," Y/N says softly, the two stare at each other for a moment, Charlie's eyes slightly wetter than before.

"I'm not sure she would think so." The man sighs, before quickly glancing away from the girl.

"Well, she would be pretty stupid to not think so." The girl smiles, making the man laugh halfheartedly.

"Well thank you for boosting my ego." the man smiles, before standing up and throwing away all the trash that he had made from cleaning her wounds. Y/N didn't know how permanent this situation would be, all she knew was that, for the first time in a long while, she felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, she had found a haven in Charlie's home—a place where she could heal and rebuild her shattered life.


A/N: The first chapter is complete! Let me know what you all think about it so far.

Question of the day: Besides Charlie, who is your favorite Twilight character?

Answer: Mine's gotta be Alice or Jasper because they're both hot.

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