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Scared of the dark.

As Charlie led Y/N through his modest home, he couldn't help but notice the nervous glances she cast at the windows, where raindrops raced each other down the glass panes, and the distant rumble of thunder echoed in the night sky. He could sense her unease, as well as her fear of the darkness and the storm raging outside. He glanced in her direction at the sound of a soft whimper leaving her lips.

When they reached the guest room, Charlie opened the door, revealing a tidy, albeit simple, space with a cozy bed and soft blankets. But as Y/N stepped inside, her trembling hands clutched the doorframe, Charlie could see the fear in her eyes, he knew for sure now that she was frightened by the loud noises coming from outside the window.

"You okay, angel?" Charlie asked gently, his voice filled with concern.

Y/N bit her lip, her gaze darting around the room nervously. "I'm sorry," she admitted softly. "I'm just...scared of the dark, and the storm..." but she quickly shook her head, "But I'll get over it, thank you for being so kind."

Charlie's heart softened further at the girl, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive. He couldn't bear to see her scared, not when he had the power to offer her comfort and solace. Without a second thought, he made a decision.

 "You can stay in my room for tonight. It's safer there, with me." Charlie suggested, his voice tender yet resolute.

Y/N blinked in surprise, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Oh, I couldn't invade your privacy," 

"It's alright, as long as you're comfortable with it, so am I," Charlie assures.

"Are you sure?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, she felt as though Charlie was playing some practical joke on her, and would soon laugh in her face at the foolish thought.

Charlie nodded, offering her a reassuring smile. "Of course. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

The two walk down the hallway, Charlie's hand sitting at the base of her back gesturing her forward. They stand in front of his door before he reaches forward to open the door. 

The room smelled of pine and musk. It calmed the girl down instantly and made her smile at his familiar smell. She set the pillow she took from her room on the floor and was about to take a seat before Charlie stopped her. 

"What are you doing?" He asks, making Y/N tilt her head in confusion. 

"Taking the floor?" She questions making him sigh and rub his forehead.

"I can't let you sleep on the floor," Charlie says, pulling her up and moving her toward the bed.  where he pulled back the covers of his bed and gestured for her to climb in. She hesitated for a moment, feeling a pang of guilt for intruding on his personal space, but Charlie's warm smile reassured her that she was welcome.

As Y/N settled into the comfort of Charlie's bed, the storm raging outside seemed a little less daunting, the darkness a little less suffocating. The two adults lay, their backs facing each other. Y/N's cheeks flushed bright red; She had never shared a bed with a boy before, let alone a man. The rain outside became softer, and the sound lulled her into a dreamless sleep.


The soft rays of morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room as Charlie stirred from his slumber. As he slowly blinked his eyes open, he was met with a sight that took him by surprise—Y/N, nestled against him in his bed, her head resting gently on his chest, her breaths steady and calm. 

For a moment, Charlie lay there in stunned silence, his mind struggling to process the events of the previous night. How had they ended up like this? He racked his brain for answers, but all he could remember was the comforting embrace of sleep, the storm outside fading into oblivion as they sought solace in each other's presence. 

As if sensing his confusion, Y/N stirred beside him, though not waking up. Making Charlie sigh in relief, that was a situation he was glad he avoided. He slowly stood up, and made his way toward the bathroom, after doing his business. 

Charlie Swan moved about with a sense of purpose. It was the first time he would be making breakfast for Y/N, and he was determined to make it special.

As Y/N emerged from her room, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she was greeted by the enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon. She watched in awe as Charlie effortlessly flipped pancakes on the griddle, his movements graceful and precise.

"Good morning, sleepyhead" Charlie greeted her with a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he gestured for her to take a seat at the small kitchen table.

Y/N returned his smile, her heart swelling with gratitude for the kindness he showed her. "Good morning, Charlie," she replied, taking a seat and watching in fascination as he continued to work his culinary magic.

As Charlie plated up generous servings of fluffy pancakes, crispy bacon, and scrambled eggs, Y/N couldn't help but admire the way he moved with such ease and confidence in the kitchen. It was clear that cooking brought him a sense of joy and fulfillment, and she found herself drawn to the passion that radiated from him.

"You're amazing, Charlie," Y/N said, her voice filled with genuine admiration as she took in the spread before her. "I never knew you were such a talented chef," she said with a teasing laugh.

Charlie chuckled modestly, a hint of color rising to his cheeks at the unexpected praise. "Ah, it's nothing special," he replied, though the pride in his voice was evident. "Just something I picked up over the years," he said modestly, it was clear he wasn't extremely confident with his cooking skills.

But to Y/N, it was more than just a simple breakfast—it was a gesture of love and care, a reminder that she was valued and appreciated in ways she had never experienced before. As they sat down to eat together, basking in the warmth of each other's company, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging that she had never known existed.

At that moment, as they shared laughter and conversation over plates piled high with delicious food, Y/N realized that she had found not only a home in Charlie's house but also a family in the kind-hearted police chief of Forks. And for that, she would be forever in his debt.

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