Chapter Twenty-Two

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“We’re terribly sorry this has happened especially with you two in the room…”

            I know where conversations like these go. I don’t live under a rock. I read books and watch TV enough to know where this conversation is going. So I tune him out. What’s the point in listening if I already know the outcome?

            Either way, I’m going to be too sad to even more.

            Steven, who’s sitting beside me, can’t seem to contain his wits. His legs are bouncing up and down, up and down, and they can’t stop. It’s like he doesn’t see what’s coming. Then again, maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he’s pushed that thought so far into the back of his mind that he can’t hear it anymore. If it were me, I wouldn’t want to hear it either. But I have to. He has to, too.

            “…passed away.”

            With two simple yet tragic words, Steven freaking Marshall begins to bawl. Like a baby. The gigantic tears begin to roll down his face, and they seem never ending. When one big tear lands on his shirt, another one follows.

            The doctor looks at me and says, “Who are you?”

            “Paisley Daniels,” I say. “I’m a family friend.”

            He nods, accepting my answer. “Alright, Miss Daniels. I’m terribly sorry for you loss. This must be terrible for you. I see your friend”—he flickers his gaze toward Steven for a nanosecond—“isn’t taking it as well as you are. I’m glad that you’re composed and all, but it’s alright to cry.”

            “I know that, doctor.”

            “Alright, well thanks for being here for him. If you have any questions, you can ask me.” He starts to leave, but I stop him with a question.

            “Was it quick?”

            He appears confused for a moment. “Excuse me?”

            “Was it quick?” I repeat. “Her death. Did she die fast or was it slow?”

            Sighing, he says, “It wasn’t fast, wasn’t slow. She sort of just…left.”

            “Okay. Thanks.” Except I’m not really grateful.

            He squints at me, narrowing his eyes. “I’ve seen you before. You just seem so familiar. May I ask what your name is again?”

            “Um,” I saw awkwardly. “Paisley Daniels?”

            “Oh my god,” he says. “You’re Paisley Daniels?” I nod my head. “Dr. Caldwell talks about you all the time! He says you’re a wonderful girl and that you don’t deserve this.”

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