Massage Therapy

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          "I'm telling you. You really need a massage." Emily steps up to the ER desk as I finish typing in a patents information.

          Pulling my eyes away from my screen, I frown up at her. "No, I really don't." Putting my attention back onto my work.

          Something firm plops onto my back. Causing my eyes to shoot back up to my pain in the ass best friend. Whatever hit me rolls into the back of my chair, and I grab it before it drops to the floor. One of her stress balls rests in my hand and I roll my eyes. "Look at the way that landed on you. I might as well have dropped it on the ground, your back is so stiff. You're to stressed Lex."

          "I am not." That's a lie. As if being an ER nurse wasn't stressful enough. My boyfriend of two years cheated on me two weeks ago. In our apartment. And in our bed. After walking in on them and pouring my large ice coffee over both of them. I packed my stuff and moved in with Em. I moved in with him, but I didn't get around to putting my name in the lease. But I paid the rent and he paid for everything else since I made more. Now he can figure it out on his own. Her and her husband, Chris, were more than welcoming. It helped that they both have been my best friends since high school. Chris went and kicked my ex's ass that same day. I haven't heard from him since. Emily reassured me that Chris didn't kill him. But I'm not too sure.

          On top of all of that. My mom is in her 'I want to be a grandparent stage.' She knows asking my older brother is a lost cause. So, she's stuck on harassing me. "Why do you insist on lying to me. I've known you for way too long to know that you ma'am, are stressed out. Now you won't take a vacation."

          "I'm out of vacation time." I smile up at her.

          She rolls her eyes knowing I am once again lying. "You won't let me hook you up with anyone. Just to let off some steam. If you know what I mean." She wiggles her eyebrows, with a smirk.

          "Defiantly not."

          Another eye roll. "So at least go get a massage. Chris knows the owner from work. He actually built the place for him. Chris was an amazing architect, so there's no doubt the place has to look amazing. We get couples massages there often. Will you please just try it out? Just once, and if you don't like it, we can try something else. Maybe another girls night."

          Sighing I turn back to my computer. Squeezing the stress ball still in my hand. "Fine. One time." I hold up one finger, before tossing the ball back at her."

          She catches it with no problem. Squealing at my answer. "I'm telling you Lex. You won't regret it. Now let's go get food. I'm starved."

          Before I know it. Em is pulling me from my chair. I barley have time to grab my sweater.


          Now I know why Emily was so persistent. She had already scheduled a session for me to come down to Tranquility. I didn't have a chance to back out. The spa had sent me the confirmation email after we got back from lunch. She ignored my death glares the entire day.

          I smirk a little as I pull up to the medium sized building. It really lives up to its name. If the outside looks this tranquil, then I can't wait to see what the inside looks like. With a sigh, I quickly park. I'm not sure why I'm so nervous. I know this will probably do me some good. My neck and back has been killing me since I moved in with Em and Chris. Their guest bed is not the best. I have to get my own place soon.

          When I walk into the building, the interior far exceeds what I imagined. It was so peaceful. You would think you stepped through a portal leading straight to Japan. Cherry blossom decorations and a large bonsai in the middle of the small resection area. The faint smell of vanilla calming a few of my nerves. A very pretty Asian girl sits at the desk on the phone. Her jet-black hair pulled up into a bun. She gives me a polite smile, holding up a finger, signaling that she sees me. It sound like she's making scheduling a session, so I wait patiently. When she hangs up, she waves me over with a smile. "Hello, my name is Aki. How can I help you?"

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