Chapter 4: Investigation of the strange secret utterance emergency (ISSUE)

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Steve slept in until it was lunchtime his face still hurt from yesterday but most of the pain had subsided. "I still can;t believe that happened yesterday how do they know, do they know about my crush, oh gosh please Claire can't  know." Steve had liked Claire since they were 10 she was so nice and beautiful and just amazing she reminded him of space all the beauty and mystery that's when his phone vibrated "i almost forgot, i need to go to this address for 3 okay i should get dressed.". After Steve was done he ran down stairs almost knocking into his mum "sorry mum." Steve said as he was raiding the cupboards looking for something to eat on the go "it's okay honey i made you a sandwich your faviourte chicken and mayo with some cucombers." "aw thanks mum." Steve said after grabbing a few packets of crisp to bring with him to the meeting "so were are you off to in such a hurry?" his mum asked as he stuffed the crisps into his backpack along with some juice boxes "oh going to meet some people from school." "so my son has made some friends at last, it's time you got out of your shell." "mum, mum don't get to exited i don't really know these people" "oh so who invited you the." Steve turned bright red "erm Claire." "oh hooo, so Claires going so are you a thing now." she said teasing him "MOM !!" he yelled in embaresment "okay, okay no need to get all wound up. Now go on before your uncle comes down." "thanks mum." Steve hugged his mum before running out of the house and putting the address into google maps. He followed the directions for about an hour it was 2:45 PM before Steve arrived at the address, the place was a run down building with the roof tiles falling off in someplaces and most of the windows were broken, the house looked almost haunted.  As Steve walked up to the house he felt as if someone was watching him, "hello, it's me Steve anybody home." questioned Steve as he walked into the house causing the front door to creek on its hinges. "Claire, you here i know i'm a little early, HELLO." said Steve as he got more and more anxious as the seconds ticked away. Then Steve felt the hairs on the back of his next stand on end as he felt the pressence of another person "who's there?" demanded Steve trying not to sound scared but his trembleming voice gave him away, that's when Claire came out from the shadows "Steve so glad you made it, erm why are you sweating so much, is everything all right it looks like you've seen a ghost." "yeah, yeah i'm great." said Steve trying to sound cool with little success. "so, why did i need to come here today?" "Well kid it's because of what happened yesterday." came a deep voice from behind them causing Steve to jump and scream a little "hey don't sneak up on people like that." said Steve whilst Claire chuckeled a little in the background "Steve this is Jack." Claire said. Jack was in the same year as them at school he had Blonde hair, green eyed and was quite tall he stood taller than Steve. "what's up mate." said Jack holding a hand out for Steve to shake and Steve took it "so your Steve ?" came a new voice "let me introduce myself i'm Mary, jack's twin sister." she said as she walked down the stairs and she wasn't wrong she and Jack looked so alike the only way you could tell them apart was by the length of the hair and by hearing their voices and one other thing. "can i just ask you said that there were five other people who had their secrets revealed like me and i count three so were are the other two?" "getting to the point i like that, well you should come upstairs with us." that's when Jack started climbing upstairs with Claire, Mary and Steve following him . After they got upstairs they turned to a room which considereing the way the house looked on the outside the door to this room looked new and bright, after entering the room it looked bright and colourful its walls were painted blue and its window was one of the few that was not broken but it had curtains although plain still added to the rooms bright atmosphere and sat in the middle of the room were two boys one with black skin, who had an Afro with brown eyes, whilst the guy next to him had black hair  and brown eyes. they seemed to be having a very serious conversation until Jack interupted them "boys maybe you should intrudoce yourselves to Steve." "hi." Steve decided to say not knowing what had previously happened in the room "hey Steve i'm Sam and Afro here is Malcom but you can call him Mark." said Sam with a very happy smile whilst Mark gave him a look. "okay now since everyones aquianted i hear by announce that the first meeting of the ISSUE organisation can comense." "i'm sorry the what organisation."   "ISSUE the Investigation of the Strange Secreate Utterance Emergency." said Claire impressed with the name. "Okay now everyone sit down and lets discuss whats going on and how it happened no theory is truely wrong so please state your ideas." said Claire  "wait before we start  i brought some snacks just in case we got hungry." said Steve as he lay the crisps and juice boxes on the floor "dig in." after about a minute of waiting Sam took a packet which started it all off "so what does everyone think, i mean we need to get to the bottom of this before it happens to anybody else, so any ideas please don't be shy."said Claire trying to be inviting. After a very long time of silence Jack finally spoke trying to fill the unbearable silence "what if it's some curse you know like in those movies when people come of age they get a weird suprise." "why would that even happen mate, like dude this is real life not some fantasy." said Mark "well atleast i'm coming up with theories.""yeah well it was probably the Goverment trying to create a villan origin story so that we become bad guys and then they can be the heroes." said Mark so confidently "Erm, Mark i don't that the goverment would do that since you know how easy it is to find stuff out and if they were found out then who knows what trouble they would be." Said Sam "well, then thats a good start...""i think that someones put cameras in our houses and recored us and when we revealed are secrets shared them with everyone at school that seems like the most logical." Mary said interupting  Claire  "maybe but how would they get in our houses i mean wouldn't we have heard them?" questioned her brother "i don't know but that is not impossible." thats when Steve decided to speak up "can i just say that i might have a theory that dosn't feel to impossible, it's probably just silly anyway." "no no tell us like i said no theory is truely wrong just go ahead and tell us Steve." said Claire encouragenly "well, my dad is an astrounout and he used to always tell me about the weird things he saw and once we exploring he found this strange metal object and some werid tools so i think that it may have been ..... been aliens i mean after what my dad found it seems to me like the most plausable i mean to me at least." said Steve getting it off his chest "wow your dad is an astrounout that's cool and you think that he found prof of alien life. but then the only question that still remains is why since Steve's and Marys theories seem the most possible." "mate why would aliens exists and wait until now to attack i think this theory is a possible as mister fantasy over here." said Mark pointing at Sam "hey." "Mark it's just a theory and i think it's quite possible so." "okay everyone stop arguing we need to work together, so if we all agree then maybe Mary's theory is a little more possible than Steve's so we will work on Mary's look for any cameras in our rooms or around our houses and then if nothing else keep brainstorming but Steve maybe you should keep working on your theory maybe find some more prof. well it's official this meeting is over thank you for coming everyone." "well Claire i think that went well but when should we arrange the next meeting for i mean a lot can happen in a week so." "okay Jack your right maybe one Tuesday we meet up and have these disscusions what does everyone think?" "sure" everyone said "okay see you all Tuesday for the second meeting of ISSUE."

as everyone left the old run down house, commander Stix was watching from afar "well Mr Steve you seem to be smarter than the rest of those fools i think i should keep a closer eye on you." this is strange thought the commander this boy looks similar to someone else with his brown hair and hazel brown eyes "in three days time they will meet up again, this may work to my advantage so i just need to make there already strained relationship worse within three days then they will be easier to take and best off all it will make their families suffer causing more grief." 

(i hope your ready though after chapter 5 i won't be able to post as often as i will be very busy but thank you for reading "


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