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Do you have a secret, i already know the answer but don't worry they are safe and you don't have to tell . everyone has a secret or secrets but why, that is the question, why do we keep secrets from the ones we love? is it because we fear that they will reject us, is it that we think we are the only people to have this secret or is it that we fear by letting it out we will lose control. some people are ashamed of their secrets and others wish to just hide and disappear taking their secrets along with them. we all have secrets you, me and everyone on the planet but should we really keep secrets or should we tell others about them before we lose oursleves in our fears and anxieties of not having others accept us .

what would you do if your secrets are revealed but not by you. 

we should probably tell others our secrets before they bite us in the butt and ruin our lives entirely, then again good things can come from the worst situations you just have to look for them .

maybe tell others your secrets before someone finds them out .

only by acknowledgeing our flause can we finally make change and accept who we are  

(this is my first story so please mind spelling mistakes or incorrect formatting i hope you all enjoy and have fun with my story.)

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