chapter 3: they know

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Steve woke up to the sound of his alarm clock it was 7:20 AM time to get up and dressed Steve thought, "at least its the last day of the week and then i can chill." he said out loud as he gave a big yawn and stretched. Steve walked over to his closet and got out his school uniform. 7:35 AM Steve had finished getting dressed and was now packing his bag for school whilst also making breakfast by the time it was 8 am Steve had packed his bags and was out the door and in the car. "hey, Steve hows it going bro." instead of mum it was his uncle Jeff who had moved in three months ago "hey uncle, erm can you drive me to school i think i'd prefer that to mum today i just want her to sleep in today." "i got ya kiddo" and with that the car left the driveway and sped towards the school. " have a good day today kiddo." he said as we arrived " yeah thanks uncle." with that Steve walked into school ready for another boring day but was Steve in for a suprise.

Although most of the morning it was pretty calm with his first two lessons going smoothly but then break happened. Steve went to his looker to get out his books for the next few lessons when Layton came out to nowwhere and slammed Steve's looker shut "aw, look everyone its MR my mummy can't even remeber my name," what did he say "AW gonna cry little Steve or are you going to turn me into slime with those magic powers your daddy gave you as a kid because the scary monster is going to eat you alive," how does he know that "are you gonna cry Steve because your daddy's not going to come home." thats when the whole hallway erupted with laughter "the amazing Steviewevie, the greatest magician of all time ." he heard "is he going to make us inflate with slime." " maybe hes going to cast a spell and make his daddy come home oh wait he can't." the laughter continued "how .... how do you know." Steve whimpered quietly in shock at what he was hearing. "what was that wimpy wallow?" Layton said getting so close to Steve's face he could smell his breath "wow are you gonna cry, just because no one understands you, as you stand in a raging sea a solem stone." with that Steve lost it he screamed "HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU STALKER, why are you so obsessed with me Layton, do you have a crush on me or something." with that Layton had no need to verbally reveal anything else instead he picked Steve up and shoved him against his locker "you have something to say to me little Mars." and with that Layton started punching Steve in the face  "oh i have been waiting for this." after about 10 minutes the bell went saving Steve. After the bell went the hallway got empty almost immedieatly well except for Steve who was using the lookers as support to get up that's when Mr Reed came around the corner and saw Steve "Steve are you alright." he said with concern written all over his face "does it look like i'm okay." "Steve i'm taking you to the medical room now." That's when MR Reed grabbed Steve by the arm helping him up and supporting him as they walked to the nurse's office . Steve had a severaly black eye and he had a broken nose but Steve instead on not going to the hospital just yet but the school had called his mum and she said she would be driving to pick me as soon as her shift was over which was in about an hour Steve waited in the cafeteria. that's when lunch sarted his mum was about half an hour late. that's when a girl came up to his table "hey, can i sit here?" "sure." said Steve recognising the girls voice  it was Claire from his history class "hi, i'm Claire from your history class and your Steve right?" she asked and Steve was taken a back the fact that Claire knew his name was shocking to him after all he was the quiet kid "yeah, how do you know my name?" "i'm just a good listeatern and besides everyone has been talking about you today." "so you heard about that huh?" "yeah , but you need to know that your not the only one there are five other people in the school who'ev had there secrets reaveled over night ." "and how do you know this." "because one of them's me " that shocked Steve even more Claire may not be the most popular girl at their school but she was so beautiful more than the milky way it's self and frankly Steve had some feelings for her but had been denying it in fear of rejection. "we need to get to the bottom of this, how does everyone know this stuff and why for what purpose?" said Claire as if she was a detective "i've got an idea why don't we set up a club to find out what's happened and why." "i don't really think thats a good idea what if they found out since we can't really hide secrets anymore." "oh come on we need to do this." "alright, alright but tommorows Saturday so if we are a club then how are we going to meet?" "already on it, hey mind if i have your number?" "why?" "so we can chat obviously." "oh okay." and with that they exchanged numbers. "Steve your mum's here to pick you up." "okay, see you soon Claire." "bye Steve." and that's when Steve left to meet his mum outside "my baby, what happened to you, who did this i swear i'll kill them." "mum can we just go to the hospital, after all my nose is broken. " "your right honey." 

After spending 2 hours at the hospital Steve got his nose fixed and had to wear a bandage over his nose for at least two weeks till it healed and then his mum rushed him home to make him a fresh dinner and let him relax. by the time Steve went to bed he had recieved 2 messages from Claire telling him to go to a strange address tomorow for 3 PM and telling me to tell no one. With that Steve went to bed and thought that things where only going to get worse but he responded with an okay and then fell asleep.

"So is he coming?" said a tall blonde guy next to Claire and 4 other people " yes, Yes he is ." replied Claire "great now we can finally start getting to the bottom of this." but outside a strange looking woman was spying on them her eyes were a deep green but looked like a tiger's eyes she brought out a phone and sank low so no one could she her "sir, the plan is in motion they are already planning to meet up this could mean that the plan is failing what should i do sir?" "Don't worry commander Stix, this may be an obstical but it may be used to are advantage after all, they will all be in the same place and then we will light the fuse before we pounce." although Stix didn't really understand she knew better than to question him after all he had changed there home for the better "okay sir, just give me the command when you need me to interject." "perfect work Commander." and with that the conversation was over "soon children, soon the world will end and you'll be hero's but not for your planet." 

(thank you again hope you like i think i'm getting into the story more and can't wait to write the next chapter hopefully as much as you are to read the next chapter yours Dragongirl2408.) 

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