Chapter Twenty: Reckless Plans and Revelations

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Colin stared at Ben, quite uncomfortable since Eloise had just left him there, and in the middle of what he thought was a very fraught conversation.

Ben didn't look uncomfortable at all. Then again, Ben rarely looked uncomfortable ever. In fact, he turned to Colin now, looking rather amused. "No success on finding those letters, then?"

Colin tried to shake his head while also shrugging.

Ben seemed to find that amusing as well, chuckling as he nodded at the carpet. "Well, I suppose you found something else to read..."

Colin's eyes widened at the Whistledowns left on the floor. El hadn't quite finished putting them in order. "Yes, I never did look at these things before, so I thought... How's supper? Anything good?" He crawled over, trying to shove the rest back in the box, but instead upended the box, sending even more scattering.

"I wouldn't know. I haven't even changed for supper yet," Ben said, bending to help put them back in.

"No, El gets cross if they're out of order," Colin said, spreading his arms over the mess he made.

"I think she'll be more cross if they're all over the floor, but I'm perfectly fine with not spoiling my night with excess work." Ben strolled over to the corner Colin had crawled away from, picking up the bottle and taking a sniff, then holding it away with a sneer. "How do you drink this rot?"

"I like it fine," Colin said, snatching his bottle back. "I'll have you know any good sailor swears by rum. Anyhow, El thought I needed a drink and that Anthony would miss this the least."

"She's right about that." Ben laughed. "But what do you need a drink for?"

"I... have had a difficult morning," Colin finished awkwardly.

"I can guarantee you that mine was worse," Ben groused. "Hyacinth's snow missiles hit me six times at full force — three times in the head, mind you, but also in the shoulder, chest, and stomach. Not enough to make me drink that, though." Ben narrowed his eyes. "So what's all this El said... about carting Penelope off to Gretna Green?"

"That was just a silly little thought I had." Colin faked a laugh. "So about supper..."

"Colin, I know I have a certain reputation for spilling secrets, but if you are considering something reckless..." Ben faced him squarely. "Well, I give you fair warning that I shall put my secret-spilling to very good use this very minute."

"I wasn't planning nothing," Colin grumbled. "Didn't even get to the planning bits before you popped in."

"Well, good!"

"But it's something to think about." He glanced down at the scattered Whistledowns before meeting Ben's eyes again.

Ben stared at him, laughing, then studied him a bit before saying, more seriously, "No, its not."

"Marrying her isn't even a choice now. It's more like a necessity," Colin said lowly, almost to himself. She needed to be saved from her own reckless behavior.

"Dear God! Why?" Ben demanded, narrowing his eyes. "How much further have you taken things?"

"No, no! Not because of that," Colin said quickly. Whatever Ben was thinking, he might want to, but that didn't mean he would... yet. "Because of... other reasons!"

Ben threw up his hands. "What reasons?"

Colin had no ready answer. It wasn't as if he could tell Ben that Pen needed to be rescued from Lady Whistledown... who she actually was. "Very good ones," he said firmly. "That's all you need to know."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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