Chapter Eight: Drunken Fights and Restless Nights (part 1)

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"Fret not, Ladies! We have returned!"

Penelope glanced at the doorway, where Benedict had announced himself so grandly. She giggled, ready to share her amusement with Colin, but Colin was quite suddenly as far away from her as he'd been when he'd first sat down, and frowning quite heavily at his little plate.

She wished it wasn't so. She'd quite liked the way he'd moved ever closer to her, leaning in and whispering and... Well, it seemed as if he'd been staring at her lips and, while she was sure he'd never do something so improper as to kiss her, here in this room that contained mostly his family, she didn't mind being nearer to him.

"The merriment can now truly begin!" Benedict strutted in, the other men slowly shuffling in behind him.

Eloise approached her brother, drawling, "Do you really think we've been desolate without your lot?"

"I do. And I'm only glad your suffering has ended... Whoa, there!"

Benedict snatched after her as she took his brandy glass, but Eloise was too quick for him, rushing to the other side of the room with a giggle.

Penelope's eyes were then caught by Anthony Bridgerton, stilling in the middle of the doorway as the other men passed him. Penelope wasn't sure what he was about, then he seemed to have caught his wife's eye, at which he pointed up at the mistletoe sprig over his head, smirked, then crooked his finger at Kate.

Kate Bridgerton scoffed loudly, though she did come his way, saying, "You are shameless!" She didn't say such more as he kissed her soundly, then, dipping her backwards, at which there were several giggles, groans, and catcalls from the various denizens of the room.

She thought she should be scandalized, somewhere in there, yet it only made her feel warm inside, seeing their obvious ease and affection.

"Must be nice," she heard muttered beside her.

She turned to find Colin, also staring at the display. "Hmmm?"

He turned to her quickly, holding up the plate between them. "I said these pies must be nice, but you don't... er... you don't have to have one tonight."

She had heard him right the first time, but she decided not to say so. Yes, they were also married and perhaps no one would blink if he kissed her, considering the joyful reaction to his brother and sister-in-law but, as they must be newly wed, he might be a bit more shy about such things. She decided it was rather sweet. "Do you mean you shall spare me the mince for now? I must say, I'm grateful for the reprieve."

"Well, it's only for tonight," he said, in a mock-stern tone. "If I don't see you consuming a mince pie every day hence, for twelve days, then I will think you very foolhardy."

"Oh, I wouldn't dream of playing fast and loose with my luck after this." She gestured to her head.

"Speaking of luck, Doctor Dorset's not looking this way yet," Colin said, and rather urgently. "Hang the mince pies. I will not have you deprived of dessert. Quickly, eat something!"

Really, Doctor Dorset hadn't been so severe. He'd told her, if her admittedly bland supper agreed with her, she might have something more, but there was something about Colin sneaking her a secret treat that delighted her. He seemed so invested in it, after all. "An eclair," she burst out, plucking one up. "I think I might like those best!"

"An excellent choice. Go on—"

"I'm trying to." She lifted it to her mouth, then stopped at his rather intense gaze. "It's very strange, being watched while eating, you know."

He put the plate down between them and turned away. "Dash it! I'm sorry, Pen. It's very hard to help. Before you woke up, I'd watched your every sip and swallow. I was always so concerned that—"

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