Chapter 13: Gifts, Guineas, and Glances

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Penelope was beginning to think last night's kiss must have been a dream. Colin seemed loathe to be within six feet of her. Even sitting near her at breakfast had him stiff and strange. He looked at her plate more than he looked at her.

Both Daphne and Francesca had instructed her very specifically. After they returned to the house, both young ladies took her to Daphne's rooms for tea and made it quite clear that they both believed that more affection between her and their brother would be beneficial to both.

"He wants to kiss you, and more than once. He's simply holding himself away out of some ridiculous notion of honor," Daphne had scoffed. "I've seen it before, twice! And it only leads to misery and confusion for all."

"But I still don't understand. Why would he think it dishonorable?" Penelope had wanted to know. "We are married."

Francesca hemmed and hawed a bit before sputtering, "That's... that's... You know, really, thats—"

"That's just how ridiculous he is," Daphne broke in. "He probably thinks, because your memories are not all there, that kissing you is some sort of dishonorable act. But didn't you say your feelings for him were still there?" She turned to Francesca. "Did she not?"

Fran tilted her head. "Yes, but she did say the same about Eloise."

"No, no!" Daphne huffed. "You said she said the feelings were different."

"Yes, but she didn't say in what way."

Penelope lifted a hand. "As the person with the feelings, I should clarify that my feelings for both are quite strong, but my feelings for Colin are decidedly... Well..."

Daphne put a hand over hers on the table. "Love?"

Penelope glanced down, blushing. "I was going to say romantic, but... Well, love is certainly not the wrong word." She wondered why she felt so strange using the word, almost embarrassed.

Daphne squeezed her hand tighter. "Where there's love, everything feels right, feels..." She sighed loudly. "It all feels natural. Being apart is what feels wrong."

Penelope sighed as well. "Well, I certainly would rather be near him than not."

"Then you must make that happen," Francesca said, "with careful and strategic—"

"Flirt shamelessly," Daphne burst out.

"No, not shamelessly," Francesca had protested. "Subtly, or you'll scare him off."

"No. Shamelessly or he'll not even realize that's what she's doing. This is Colin," Daphne said with a withering glance.

Francesca considered it and nodded. "You might have something there."

Penelope glanced at both, pulling her hand away to sip her tea. "What would constitute shameless flirting?"

She almost regretted she'd asked as they both started answering at once.

"Get him under that mistletoe," Daphne said. "We've told you where it all—"

"Ask him what activities he enjoys and suggest doing them with him," Francesca offered.

"Look at him and fan yourself," Daphne said, waving her off, "but just below the bodice so the fluttering draws his attention to your—"

"Colin is a lovely singer. Request to hear him sing a particular—"

"Ask him to aid you with some part of your dress, then he is much more likely to touch–"

"Oh, yes," Francesca agreed enthusiastically, "to tie your glove or adjust your sleeves so he must be close to you."

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