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We entered into a breathtaking space , long walls surrounded every corner, chandeliers and beautiful lighting coating the ceiling, the lighting was dim but enough for everyone to properly see each other

People were dripping in expensive attire and jewels , there was a small stage on the right side, on it were a group of people playing the violin and other posh instruments

There were servers who walked around with drinks , as people picked the long glasses from the gold trays

I was so lost in the dark and old architecture, I didn't realise mr Forbes was talking to 2 men , one was in a grey suit, blonde hair , a glass of whine in his hand, and looked a few years older than me,

The other guy was wearing a dark red tuxedo, light brown hair , also looked a little older than me , he whore glasses with a black frame, complementing his blue eyes , and uplifted nose, there was champagne in his right hand, which he switched to his left one to shake mr Forbes' hand

"Will, Theo"

Forbes exclaimed, firmly grasping both their hands

The one with the blonde hair was Will , and the other was Theo, I noticed their names as they shook hands

"Long time no see Mr Forbes"
Will chimed , as Forbes slid his hand back into his pocket

"Looks like he's been...occupied"

Theo spoke, as he glanced at me ,

"The word you're looking for is busy"

Forbes stated , warning in his tone , his demeanour dangerously relaxed

"Ah , pardon me"

He said as he reached for my hand, and kissed the back of it

"And who might this deftly lady be?"

He asked , and I couldn't come up with an answer

"You can call her Mrs Forbes for now"
Forbes stated , and my stomach twisted at his words , not knowing how I felt about being called by his name

"Didn't care to invite us to your special day?"

He asked again , as Forbes glared at him, meanwhile I was confused at what he meant.

There was a few seconds of silence before he spoke

"Giving her your last name outside marriage? Do You know what people will consider her or do I have to enlighten you?"

He said, anger and irritation filled in his tone,

"Do you know I don't have any fucks to give to those people? Or do I have to enlighten you?"

Forbes growled, his voice deepened

"The people you speak of are your blood, you are their heir, so stop acting like this, you have a generation to carry on, there are fortunes to your name, don't end the efforts of your bloodline over...."

He stopped , and gave me the most hurtful look I had ever seen

"Over what"

Forbes asked , this time , with his hand out of his pocket

"Look , you know we mean well for you-"

"Finish your fucking sentence"

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