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After a minute of kissing my neck , he gets up , and switches the lights off with his a tap on his watch , the room goes dark, other than the moonlight shining from the large windows, I can't see anything

But I do feel him hovering over me , and as I extend my hand to feel where he is , I touch his chest, bare chest .

He doesn't have his shirt on , and he continues to kiss my neck , I'm losing my senses not knowing what to do , but suddenly, I feel a fit of rage burn in me, call it a mood swing but he's done horrible things to me , the least I could do is fight for myself

So I do, i push him away and in an attempt to escape I fall off the bed , but It doesn't take me long to get back on feet  , and I run , try to locate the door

it's useless though, the room is huge , about 15 cars could easily fit in here, and it was circular , having very long walls

My heart is pumping out of my chest to the thought of him being anywhere , even behind me, I feel his eyes on me, and momentarily feel his breath on my shoulder ,

But then as I'm backing up, my back hits a doorknob , I try to open it by entering the code

And my body freezes in disbelief for a few seconds when it actually opens

I swung to door open, about to step out when I feel an arm being wrapped around my waist , pulling me back in the room

I try to fight back again but it was of no use, all it took was one slam against the wall, and my body is trembling again, fear settling in my heart as I'm reminded of the Demonic monster he is

I still can't see but try to fight but soon stop , when I feel a gun on my breast , pressing in hard

A tear escapes my eye in pain ,

It hurts , very bad .

I look up at him, noticing a small reddish dot light , my vision starting to clear a bit, moonlight was hitting his face , as I realised the light was him puffing a cigar

So casually, it felt like an insult
And insult as to show me how weak I was, how i couldn't do anything to save myself let alone my dignity and how he has full control over my body without any effort

"Don't fuck up my mood"

He said , his voice deeper , huskier , denser . Making my body go cold

He removed the gun from my chest, and handed me a bottle of alcohol,  his eyes piercing into mine

I'm confused, but realise that he want me to drink too

"I've n-never"
I try to make an excuse , but I'm cut off

"I know"

He says, bringing the bottle to my lips forcing me to drink , I didn't want my body to be weaker than it already was but I had no choice

I drink a bit , but can't drink more , the alcohol is strong, very strong, and very rich in taste, it didn't take me long to realise how expensive this was,

"Won't you share?"
He says in a mocking way

No , I won't share , actually I'll gladly share this shitty stuff with you  since it's going to do nothing but harm your insides

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