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I fluttered my eyes open as I felt my body warm, dry and my hair clean .

I didn't know what was going on, all I could do was try to open my eyes

But when I did, there wasn't anything to see since the lights were off and the only source of light was the moon piercing through the window which gave a lot of light in the room 

I was caught off guard, It was a very big room, possibly the biggest room I had ever seen, it had huge long walls and long windows everywhere

I was laying on a round bed which was a quarter of the room , so it was really big too, it also felt like clouds, but the sheets were black , the whole room was since I couldn't see much

I noticed I was laying on cushions and I was tucked in properly

I couldn't process anything when I realised that my clothes were changed and I was showered

For a moment my heart dropped and I actually started to move and sat up

Just then, I saw a dark figure moving which made my soul leave my body but I kept my calm . shortly after ,

I screamed loudly

"W-who are you?!"

I asked

"You should know"

A deep husky voice said to me

"L-look if you need money I-"

I tried to speak but I was cut off

"Who the fuck said anything about money?"

The voice replied

What did they want then...

"Then w-what do you want from me?"

I asked , my body shaking

"To stop saving the mother fuckers I try to kill"

I was confused, but then when I realised he was talking about the patients I was trying to save at the hospital, my heart dropped , he was the one doing that ?

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