New job?

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"Excuse me please"

I said as I rushed to the new hospital i was hired in , although I wasn't late I was still in a hurry
I live in an apartment and I recently graduated as a surgeon. That's because I never actually went to school , I only gave private exams my whole life and because of that I've graduated at an early age

I finally got to the hospital and fixed myself before entering , my apartment wasn't that far from the hospital so I just walked

As i entered

I made my way to my office and set up my things , I'm a surgeon so I don't have much work to do, but I did not expect myself to literally be free the whole day

The only time I came out of my office was to get lunch , oh and the bathroom even though I had one in my office

The whole day I roamed the halls, and ate

After 5 crucial hours of doing absolutely nothing,it was finally time for me to go home

Why did I even expect something it's my first day ?

I was getting ready to leave but then suddenly I heard an ear shattering alarm go off

Before I could sprint out to help, another doctor came in trying to catch his breath

"Sorry to barge in but this is an emergency, are you the new surgeon ?"

I sighed when he said that and nodded

"Yes but my name- never mind what seems to be the urgency?"

"There's a patient that just came in, he seems to be brutally tortured and he's in critical condition, I'm the only surgeon here and I cannot save him myself"

Hearing that I instantly nodded and grabbed my medical kit, then ran out as the tall surgeon guy led the way

We were both in a rush and we were running

But stopped when we saw the head , he was basically in charge of everything here, kind of like the owner, we couldn't perform any surgery or do anything without his consent only because he's been in the medical field longer than any doctor here and has more experience

"And where might you two be running towards?"

He asked eating his sandwich like a pig , he was fat and very old

"Sir there's a patient in room-"

The surgeon tried to tell him that we were in a hurry but he was cut off

"Yes yes I know, that weird case of the guy being tortured and stuff, but is the paperwork done?"

The surgeon guy looked at him with shock, confusion and a bit of anger , this is when I realised what the head actually meant

"He is unconscious ho-"

The head raised his hand to make him stop

"Look, I won't give permission until the funds are collected"

When I heard him I felt more angrier that the surgeon, money is more important to him than someone's life?

"But sir, how are we supposed to-"

I tried to explain but he cut me off

"You heard me ."

He spoke arrogantly, this man will get some sense knocked into him real soon if he doesn't let us save the patient

"Sir he's in critical condition and he needs help or else-"
The surgeon said being really patient which was good because If it wasn't for him the head would be the one needing surgery

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