Record 10 - The strength of the WildeHopps team

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It was a rainy February morning, it was freezing outside, but the rabbit didn't feel it... she was sleeping peacefully in her heated room.

The door slowly opened, revealing her friend with a small strawberry and cream cake and a candle with number 25 on it.

- Happy birthday Judy! - She walked over and woke her up with a hug.

- Oh, you didn't have to.

- I'll never let your birthday pass you by like nothing, you're my best friend and the one who lets me live here rent free, cof, cof.

- My pleasure, I told you, my friend doesn't charge me either.

- How lucky you are to have " a friend" like that! By the way, has he congratulated you yet?

They both went to the kitchen and cut themselves a piece of cake, while the birthday girl was heating water for tea.

-It's barely 5 o'clock, I don't think he's finished his morning jogging.

-Well, I hope he celebrates you in a big way, it was his birthday a month ago and you organized a whole event at the academy.

-And when he graduates, that will be an event. Too bad I was on a case that day.

-But you did make up for it, so don't worry.

- And when your birthday comes...

- You know I hate celebrating, and October is a long way off.

- Oh don't be a party pooper Lana, your mom isn't around, we can celebrate you properly.

-Let's leave my birthday and concentrate on yours. What time do you get off work?

- My shift ends at 5.

- How awful that you work on Sunday!

- Don't worry, well I must go, bye!

- Oh wait, don't go. - The sheep dashed off to her room and came back with a little birthday hat and a silver bracelet. - Here you go, let all of Zootopia know that today is their heroine's birthday.

- The city doesn't care about my birthday, but thank you, it's beautiful! It looks like the one I lost...

- When you turned 18, it's a replica. Seriously speaking, you are like a sister to me, not like the two witches I have at home, a real one, so thank you.

- Same here... See you!

Judy quickly and happily left the apartment, ready to go to work, as she opened the elevator she bumped into the little fennec who looked at the little birthday hat in amusement.

-Don't say anything. - The rabbit sentenced him.

- It would be too easy, see you Hoppsie.

The fox went out and walked to his door, trying to recover from yesterday's party.

-Strange, Wilde didn't tell me the bunny had a birthday today! Well, less work for me. - He gave a big yawn and went inside.

The buffalo's alarm sounded, he felt his heavy eyes trying to open, slowly he sat up, stretching.

-Did you get any sleep Wilde? - Silence was his answer. He peeked around the desk and saw the books stacked, the bed made up and no sign of his partner.

He went to the gym and headed to where he rightly thought he would be.

-Did you know that for the last month we've been allowed to get up at 8 a.m.? To be sane for the exam.

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