Record 6 - The GMT/CodeLittleCat

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A new day, another terrible awakening for the cadets of the class of 2016, summer was in full swing.

They continued with their first quarter routine of training, based primarily on the physical. Against all odds, the fox was standing out from his peers. His friend's advice and stories had helped him avoid her own mistakes.

"I remember I was close to failing from the first quarter, I couldn't against the ecosystem track at all, until I started training extra, analyzing my failures during the day. The next day I couldn't feel my legs, but, by the final test, I blew everyone away."

- That suicidal doe. - He sighed in exhaustion before collapsing on the grass. - Five hours of training... What the hell was I thinking when I agreed!

- I... start... to... think the same thing...- The young buffalo came crawling towards him. - I feel like I'm going to die.

- Easy, Edy my bro, you only fainted 3 times today. - The fox laughed while his companion looked at him with annoyance. - Calm down cow face, I'm sure you'll make it.

- Do you really think so, Nick?

- Of course not, Wilde wouldn't bet on a loser like you. - The elephant sneered at them. - Neither of you two will make it through GMT!

- What the hell is GMT? - Nick faced him, until the polar bear and her deep voice broke into the conversation.

- The "Great Mortal Test", Wilde. The first great physical test that will determine whether you're police material or not, so, if I were you squalid slackers, I'd be careful.

The bear walked away, enjoying the terrified faces of the cadets.

- That means... Isn't this the worst? - The buffalo almost stifled a scream worthy of a horror movie when Trunkers' hippo friend pushed him away.

- Of course not! Especially not for useless little girls like you!

- Hey calm down Hipoz! This isn't middle school, you're supposed to be an adult. - The fox tried to get between the hippo and the young buffalo.

- A rat former swindler like you is going to give me morality lessons? - The big elephant confronted him.

- So, were you...

- I was what? Thief. Be careful what you say, you know you could be defaming.

The elephant narrowed his eyes at him. The fox was about to step forward to confront the guy... until a little voice started to sound in his mind...

"You may, and quite certainly will, encounter mammals as unpleasant as the Commissioner at the Academy... promise me you won't listen to them."....

- Oh Carrots, how you control me from distance! - He thought to himself.

"Just promise Nick, you mustn't forget that this is your chance to prove them wrong all this time, believe me, it will be worth it once it's all over....".

- Ok, ok I promised! - He shouted in annoyance, starting to turn around.

- Who was he talking to? - asked the hippopotamus as his friend looked at him and the buffalo ran after Nick.


Recording - Hopps 1-F

Well, my first month as an active police officer has been... interesting. There hasn't been a big crime, which is good for the city, but something that doesn't help the progress of my experience. I want to be an expert in police matters by the time my partner is finished.

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