CHAPTER X - The Trials Continue

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     Back near the village and by the swamps the drums continue to beat as Rufio approaches his next challenge.

Clear on the other side is Slightly keeping his eyes on Rufio while pacing back and forth as best he can using the small boulders poking above the watery mud. Across the other side Rufio begins to slowly approach the boulders to get his footing.

"We don't have all day, Newfio!" Slightly taunts. "Actually I take that back, we do have all day. We have all day to prove to everyone here you don't belong on this path, you hear me Newfio!?"

The drums switch from hard rim taps to thundering strikes as this continues according to the pace of the battle.

Rufio hates how long he has already hesitated and begins to make his way closer towards Slightly.

"Adda boy, Newfio." Slightly calls out as he aggressively readies himself by SMACKING his staff hard on all the boulders surrounding him while turning in a small circle awaiting for Rufio to approach. Slightly pounds his chest while shouting like a monkey ready for battle. Rufio finally reaches Slightly standing guard of the golden egg as the drumming now intensifies.

They immediately clash with staffs crossing attacks left to right, seeming as if they were training when Slightly suddenly stabs towards Rufio's foot. Rufio pulls back his right foot avoiding the attack while returning his own staff hard towards Slightly's face causing Slightly to limbo back to avoid the strike. While regaining his footing Rufio quickly brings back his staff in the other direction to again swing for Slightly's head assuming he will need to again stand to correct his balance.

Slightly does not stand however while in the same limbo position he uses his staff to push behind him while quickly twisting his torso to give a stabbing donkey kick towards Rufio's stomach sending him flying a few feet back. Rufio lands hard on top of a boulder face down.

Through the altering drum beats according to the action are heard all the groans of the spectators watching as Rufio re-gathers his breath.

On the perimeter of the swamp is Raksha pacing back and forth whimpering as she is helpless to give aid to Rufio.

Rufio again gets to his feet as he can hear the veteran Lost Boys chanting in Slightly's favor.

With a more careful step Rufio again approaches Slightly with a quick clash of attacks. They collide their staffs left to right then top to bottom as Rufio now attempts to trip Slightly's foot.

Slightly moves his foot to a further boulder next to it as Rufio quickly goes to spread his other leg. Slightly moves that foot as well now demonstrating the splits.

Rufio is confused about what to do next as while in the same low position Slightly grips his staff with both hands and like a bat he swings it towards Rufio's feet using the full momentum and strength of his torso. The staff hits Rufio's legs with a tremendous and unavoidable swipe causing him to fall hard in front of Slightly on top of the boulder Rufio once stood on.

In pain Rufio opens his eyes to look at Slightly.

"I'm not letting you get that egg Rufio." Slightly again tells Rufio more personally as the crowd can no longer hear them. Rufio blows out his frustration and stands to his feet with a new limp.

"Why would you let me? That would be cheating!" Rufio yells as he throws a secret fist of mud into Slightly's face causing Slightly to lose his balance as well as his temper and stumbles off his feet.

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