~!~ Chapter Four ~!~

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Alright, here's the next chapter everyone. I know it's long overdue, but my laptop closed out of the document and I lost all my original work for this chapter and then I had to rewrite it. I'm sorry for the delay. I keep getting asked if I'm abandoning the story and the answer is no, but I'll admit, I'm having some difficulty getting the chapters out in a routine and fast way. I'm just going to say that this story is going to be a 'slow update one' which I feel horrible about. I know a lot of people really like the story but a lot of the time I have no energy to write, as my job is exhausting. If you don't want to continue to read with that information out there, I won't hold it against you as it personally annoys me with the stories I myself read. If you do continue, please leave a message about anything you'd like to see or even an idea for the story, as sometimes I like to take the viewers wants into account if I like the idea. So, please forgive me for the slow process and enjoy this chapter :)


Chapter Four: October 2nd

The next morning Hari sat at the head table in the Great Hall, a smirk on her face as the Daily Prophet was delivered to the students. As owl after owl dropped off their packages, Hari watched shock, awe and delight crossed the faces of many purebloods and half bloods in the hall, while many muggleborns expressed confusion. It didn't surprise Hari. The wizarding traditions class had just been reinstated and many muggleborns at the moment didn't know anything about the Wheel of the Year. It was going to be a big shock as the year progressed. Hari knew many of the muggleborns were raised in religious households, Lily Evans among them, so it wasn't going to shock Hari when the explosion finally happened.

Teddy was sitting with the marauders, whispering as the four boys congregated around James's copy of the Daily Prophet. Hari could see many children had focused on the teachers table, many eyes on Albus Dumbledore, who was not doing a good job hiding his anger as many students and even a few teachers, spoke happily of the coming holidays. Hari couldn't stop the smirk when she heard Rabastan Lestrange remark loud enough for the whole hall to hear, that it was about time the Wizarding World decided to respect Lady Magic as most preferred to ignore her. Especially the 'Light' families.

Regulas Black must have agreed because he did something that grabbed the whole halls attention. He rose to his feet and turned his attention to the staff table, grey eyes meeting the brilliant green of their Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. The whole hall fell silent, and Dumbledore's eyes were narrowed on the younger Black son, "Is there something you need Mr. Black?" he questioned softly.

A smirk curled over the young boys face as he ignored the Headmaster and instead kept looking into the eyes of the woman who had changed everything, "Yes. I would like to thank Lady Ravenclaw-Slytherin for her support for out traditions and welcome her home to Hogwarts. After all, its not everyday the heir to the castle returns to these hallowed halls," the boy said smoothly, preforming an elegant, deep bow, which was dripping with respect.

Each pureblood in the hall, not matter what table or house, rose to their feet to do the same thing, James Potter and Sirius Black among them. While it was looked down upon by many families to practice the 'Olde Ways' both boys had participated in rituals before, and all had felt the presence of Lady Magic at least once on their life. This sign of respect had not been seen in hundreds of years, since the last gathering of Hogwarts heirs in the fifteenth century. Many half-bloods and muggleborns all stared in shock, wondering if these traditions were as important as the purebloods were making them out to be? As they paid the deepest respect to a woman all were a little in awe of.

Hari rose to her feet, hands locked together in front of her, "It was my genuine pleasure Mr. Black. I look forward to our world progressing and our half-blood and muggleborns students seeing the true power of magic in its deepest form. I hope you will all work together to bring unity to magic and to our world," she said softly, making everyone straighten as Sirius started a loud applause from the four houses, making the young woman blush as her son whistled from his spot at the Gryffindor table, making many laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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