~!~ Prologue ~!~

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The passage of time was never changing, or a least she thought it was. It was always said that bad things happened to those who meddled with time. People always told her there was no way to change time or events that had already passed. She hadn't ever believed it, especially after going back in time in her third year to save her Godfather. They had stopped Buckbeak's execution and they had saved Sirius's life and nothing had ever happened to them, she had just never had a chance to pursue if what was said about time was true.

The one thing Hari Potter had never understood was why Dumbledore had allowed her to save Sirius if he was just going to force him away from her and then arranged his death in her fifth year. She had never realized that the Black's took family vows to never kill, maim or harm each other when they became old enough to start Hogwarts until it was to late. It was why Sirius had never harmed Bellatrix during the First War. It was only after the final battle that Hari had realized what had happened. It had been Dumbledore who had sent the spell as Sirius. The one that send the only man she had ever trusted falling back into the Veil of Death.

Dumbledore had raised her as a lamb for slaughter and had then arranged for her 'friends' to claim her a rising Dark Lady after the war was finished if she survived. The Old Coot had even faked his own death with the help of Severus Snape and had come out of hiding to attack her the day after the Final Battle. Only five people had stood at her side when it happened. Bill Weasley, an injured Fred, who had only escaped the battle by a hairs breath when Hari had thrown a shield up around them, George Weasley, Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom. Everyone else had betrayed her, saying that it must have been dark magic that defeated Tom Riddle.

The ever-fickle Wizarding World believed them.

So began the hunt for the Girl-Who-Lived, Woman-Who-Conquered, Mistress of Death and Savior of the Wizarding World. She had escaped their first assault against her, only because of Fred and George's instant darkness powder. Dobby, who had survived the raid from Malfoy Manor, instantly took her into hiding in her family manor, which she had had no idea existed, and they placed up a fidelius charm. It was then all the truth came out.

Albus Dumbledore had arranged everything.

He allowed Severus Snape to hear part of the prophecy and reported it to Voldemort. He arranged for James and Lily Potter to die that horrible Halloween night. He made sure Frank and Alice Longbottom were taken care of and that Sirius Black ended up in Azkaban. He made sure Hari was placed in an abusive household and that Neville would struggle to succeed in life. For he would be needed if Vernon Dursley ever killed his precious pawn in a rage. He made sure that Remus couldn't find, write of visit her. Dumbledore tested her every year, slowly beating it into her that she was responsible to do anything to save the world, including give her own life. He even arranged for two people to spy on her in the form of 'friends' and watch for 'dark' behavior.

Hari felt stupid thinking about it after the betrayal.

What kind of teachers would never report her abuse like what happened at primary school and Dudley's behavior while at school? What witch walked through Kings Cross shouting about muggles? What healer ignored previously broken bones, malnutrition and neglect? What teacher praised three eleven years old for going after a dark wizard and almost getting killed? Or never figured out it was a basilisk petrifying the students when a twelve-year-old did? Who would send two emotionally traumatized students back in time and not just calling for a trial as Chief Warlock? What was the Headmaster thinking when he allowed a fourteen-year-old to participate in a tournament with students three times older than her? Or how he sent her back to an abusive household after she witnessed the death of Cedric Diggory instead of to a mind healer? How about when she started having visions about Voldemort and instead of telling her what they were, she was just sent to be mind raped continually by Snape, which just opened her mind more to the Dark Lord? Sirius dead because of it, Voldemort ousted to the press and then back to the Dursley's. No one believed her about Draco Malfoy being a Death Eater, so look what happened. Dumbledore 'dead' on Voldemort's orders, Death Eaters in the school, the war began anew.

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