~!~ Chapter Three ~!~

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Hey guys, I got lucky this week. More work but less hours, so I could write this little beauty. I hope you enjoy it. I really appreciate all your reviews. It's nice to know everyone likes the story. Please continue to let me know what you think.


October 1st

Orion Black signed as he entered the Wizengamont chambers with his closest friends Abraxas Malfoy, Romulus Lestrange and Theodore Nott Sr at his side. It was the December session and Yule was only two weeks away. He was very much looking forward to his two sons coming home for the holiday and Walburga had told him she planned on spending the Christmas season in France. He was fairly positive she was with a lover but didn't say anything about it as he had even dallied in brief affairs over the years, but he never got involved with anything serious.

The pure-blood dark block had been surprised that Lady Peverell had yet to claim her seat, but if the letters they received from their children were any indication, she was to busy shaking up the school to show at the Wizengamont. He had to stifle a chuckle as he remembered Sirius letter home about learning wandless magic and the fight that Lady Peverell had gotten into with Albus Dumbledore about the Wizarding Traditions class that the man had gotten rid of three years before. It hadn't surprised Orion to find a proposal in the December sessions list of issues about the class being reinstated.

This session was promising to be very interesting, even if it would only be short.

He was proven right as he and his fellow Lord's took their seats on the Dark block. The doors swung open just before they were ready to start and a beautiful white lion entered the chamber, a growl echoing before Lady Peverell entered the cathedral like chamber beside Charles Potter, who everyone had found out was the woman's distant cousin. It was also known that she was the higher authority over the Potter family, with the Potter's requesting to have a Peverell marry into their line, which meant Lady Peverell had primacy over the Potter's.

For those who had forgotten that the entrance of the two side by side, clearly spoke of it. Lady Peverell entered first, she was dressed in a velvet green gown with black three-quarter sleeve open robes over the top, both falling to the floor. The Peverell crest was displayed on the right side and on the back in stunning violet purple. Below them were a few other crests, but House Peverall was her largest one, stating that it was her highest ladyship. Her red hair was piled on top of her head and with a string of emeralds woven through it, obviously very precious and something Orion and the others recognized as goblin made.

Charles entered slightly behind her and to her right, telling everyone he was her closest family and ally. Much like how Orion entered with Abraxas at his right side and Romulus at his left, with Theodore following behind, stating the order of their alliance. Orion watched as their statement was received by his fellow Lords and Ladies and was forced to hold back a laugh when he saw Dumbledore's face. He looked like he had just eaten something sour, while Augusta Longbottom looked pleased.

Lord Jones rose to his feet as Charles split to his seat in the light block and Lady Peverell stood in the center of the chamber, soon gaining everyone's attention, with her familiar standing patiently at her side, "I, Hariel Rose Peverell, Lady of the Ancient, Noble and most Courageous House of Peverell, hereby claim all my ancient seats in Britain's Wizengamont. I hereby promise on my magic to uphold the laws passed in this chamber and to do the best for Wizarding Britain. I promise on my life as a witch in the Wizengamont to uphold my family's duty to keep the balance of magic, so mote it be," she claimed and the magic she gathered, quickly blew out across the chamber, racing across everyone's skin and towards the old Peverell seat that had been empty for over five hundred years. The magic gathered around it, forming a visible aura of grey magic before sinking into the marble white chair in the highest piece in the neutral section. The chair had shifted slightly, looking more like a throne than a chair, with bright purple pillow on the seat and above it, floating in the air by magic, was the sight of the Deathly Hallows, the mark of the Peverell's, that vanished as soon as the vow settled.

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