~!~ Chapter One ~!~

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Sirius Black was vibrating with excitement. He was ready to begin his second year at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and it was September the 1st and he was getting ready to head to the King's Cross station where he would see his friends for the first time since the previous school year ended. James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew were the absolute best mates he could have ever asked for and he couldn't wait to see them again. James was from a Pureblood family like him while Peter and Remus were both Half-bloods. None the less, his mother considered them 'blood traitors' and unworthy of the Black Heir to associate with them. She had forbidden him from seeing them during the summer, leaving him with only his little brother Regulus and their crazy house-elf Kreature as his only companions and since he had been placed into Gryffindor the previous year, things had been very tense between the three of them.

The only good thing about his summer was that something had changed with his father. Lord Orion Arcturus Black was a cold man, or at least Sirius had always thought so, but when he had arrived home for the summer, his father had summoned him into his study and the two of them had sat down and talked. This time it wasn't about what was expected of him as the Black Heir or even his family's belief in blood purity, no, it was about what Sirius wanted in life.

For the first time Sirius had told his father the truth and didn't try to lie about his beliefs. Orion had sat quietly and listened to everything his oldest had had to say about Slytherin, blood purity, marrying between family and his mother's behavior. It was the most heartfelt conversation that had ever been between the two. It was also then that Orion had gained a little bit of understanding about his heir. He had always known that Sirius was different than any of the other Black children. He refused to follow the standard sheep mentality that most of magical Britain had, he was too stubborn for that and it was also then that he had realized why Sirius had been placed in Gryffindor rather than Slytherin.

He was to use to being stubborn in his beliefs and being brave, standing up to his mother all the time. When Orion looked back on his heir's childhood, he knew that Sirius had never been subtle or sly. He liked being loud and bold, liked to laugh and prank and be the center of attention. He knew it was because he didn't get much positive attention from home.

Orion had never wanted to marry his cousin Walburga and only had because their Grandfather's had forced it into a magically binding marriage contract when they were first born. His father had tried everything to get Orion out of it, but the damn thing was unbreakable. This had forced him to marry Walburga the moment they had graduated from Hogwart's. Sirius had followed two years later and Regulus a year after that. After satisfying the rules of the contract, Orion had refused to touch Walburga. She had been okay with that because she was more focused on trying to force both her sons to be the perfect Black heirs and blood purists. Orion had spent at much time as he could out of the house as the boys grew. When Sirius had gotten his Hogwart's letter, Orion had been nervous. Sirius was nothing like the other Black children.

Andromeda was in fifth year Slytherin but chaffing at her parent's constant blood purity speeches and expectations. They expected her to marry the Rowle heir and the girl was now pulling away from the family. She was still the perfect Slytherin though, sly, cunning and ambitious. Bellatrix was a third year Slytherin and was now straddling the line between sane and the Black Madness. She was sly and ambitious but not cunning. Orion privately thought that if Bella hadn't threatened the Sorting hat against placing her in any house but Slytherin, she would have been a shoe in for Gryffindor. She was loud, bold and had a flair for the dramatic. Their youngest sister, Narcissa was beginning Hogwart's that year alongside Regulus and Orion knew that both would be going into Slytherin. Regulus was all the things the house embodied and Narcissa was so smart, sly and cunning that she sometimes frightened Orion. He knew she would be a prize for any pureblood worth their salt who wanted a wife.

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