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"I'm really sorry, I didn't know who else to ask." Blaze looks terribly out of place and he's standing way closer than I'd like. I move a step back carefully.

"Ask what?" I question.

It takes some visible effort for him to get the words out, but after a second or few he blurts- "How did you know you were gay?"

My mind completely blanks out as I stare at the young blond in front of me. A giggle erupts from deep in my chest and I burst out laughing. Blaze just stares at me, dumbfounded.

"You're-" Another giggle erupts from my throat, "You're having a sexuality crisis?"

With some difficulty, I managed to control my levity as I'd noticed his expression of worry and disappointment. 

"I don't see how it's funny."

"Yeah, it isn't. It's just-" I cough out another laugh and massage my stomach. "I'd imagined you say a million things but not this, I'm sorry."

Blaze frowned and opened his mouth to say something but I interrupted him. "So you think you're having a sexuality crisis and I am the best person you can talk to about it." I wait for a nod but his expression remains blank. I make a mock gesture of bowing. "It would be my pleasure to help you in the matter, but what really caused the crisis?"

I raise my eyebrows and a pretty pink blush creeps up the boy's cheeks and his ears turn pink. He stammers and runs his hands through his hair, resting it at the back of his head.

"Well, it's sort of..." He stops, licks his lips, and looks at me. "Are- Are you single, Art?"

The question knocks the breath out of me. I blink blankly a few times before answering. "Well, yes. Why do you ask?"

"Um..." He blushes again and then shakes his head. "You know what, bad idea. I'll just go-" 

He starts opening the door but I grab his arm and pull him towards me. We both bump against the wall to my right and I realize we've left the door. This means anyone can open it and enter- I and Blaze weren't really standing in a platonic position. I forced the thought out of my mind and raised my eyebrows at him.

Blaze opened his mouth and then closed it. 

"Can you leave my hand?" His face turned down and I left his hand the second he said it. He jumped backward and rushed out of the room, leaving me standing.


I was still standing when Mr. Hanson entered his classroom. He noticed me with little surprise and said, "Well, Mr. Joy, I think I just overheard your boyfriend crying in the restroom."

"He's what?" I rush out of the room past the man, then rush back again to croak out a greeting, which he waves off with a smile, and then run to the restroom. 

I spot my friend circle standing nearby and take a right turn. Kai, Mei, Hannah, and Andrei were standing huddled on the fountain steps. Hannah noticed me first and I rushed towards her. 

Before any of them could say anything, I grabbed Kai and Andy's arms and dragged them down the steps. 

"Woah, where to, cowboy?" Hannah called out behind me but I didn't turn. 

"You both need to get me through that." I pointed at the bullies blocking the restroom.

"Why on earth-" Andy began.

"Blaze is in there."

"Well, he'll come out," Kai muttered, shaking away my grasp on his lower arm. 

When I didn't reply to that, Andy slapped my shoulder with the back of his hand. "Not everyone is suicidal, Arty."

I grimaced at the nickname as he chuckled. Hannah and Mei had arrived behind us. 

"Boys, what's happening?"

"Arty thinks he needs to rescue his blond boyfriend from a restroom full of his own friends." Andy laughed.

Hannah must have noticed my discomfort related to the nickname because she stated, "Andrei, I vaguely remember Art asking you not to call him that. Unless you're just jealous that he gets more of male genitals than you."

"Hannah!" I laugh out, then cough at Andy's expression. 

"Whatever." With that Andy walks away. 

"Anything we should know?" Hannah asks.

"Um, Blaze is having a sexuality crisis and he came to me for help." I held a hand up to stop Hannah from asking what I'd assumed she'd ask, "No, we didn't kiss. Plus, I'm sure Mr. Hanson knows what's up."

"Aren't you just a bore?" Hannah jutted out her lower lip and frowned. "Mr. Hanson shouldn't be a problem. Didn't he save you from the bullies a few months ago?"

I nodded at her and tried to see through the crowd in front of the restroom. Suddenly the bell rang and everyone cleared out within a minute. There was still no sign of Blaze.

"Kai and I're going, it's time for class." Mei offered a soft smile and walked away. I watched Hannah stare at the girl as long as she was within eyesight. 

I raised my eyebrows. "Anything I should know, Hannah?"

She rolled her eyes, "Oh, shut up, you're the main character."

I frowned at that, wondering what she meant as she walked away. Blaze walked out a few seconds later. I guess he had been crying because his eyes and nose were red. He made eye contact with me and practically ran away. I rushed to the chase.

"Blaze, stop!"

But I was too slow and he was too fast. He turned the corner and I'd lost him.

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