3 revised

429 10 0

Kali Wilson
July 4 2022
I just won the British Grand Prix yesterday, it was great. It was a home race for me since I'm from the UK. My family came to the race and were there to support me.

What actually suprised me though is that the lionesses came to watch. I don't know they were going to be here. They are let onto the track after as they are given VIP passes. So I saw and talked to some of them, while the rest went on to talk to some other drivers.

After that race I don't have another for another week so I just decided to stay a couple of days and watch all the England Marches I could for the Women's Euros 2022.

It was July 4 right now and I desperately needed some coffee. It was around 10 in the morning and due to my very inconsistent sleep schedule. I was close to falling sleep.

I headed down from my hotel in Birmingham. I thought it would be a good place to stay at for a while, or at least until I had to go back to Silverstone for more training and such. I did have a couple of races in July. And while none of them were in the same date as an England match, they were awfully close. A couple only a day away from a match or race.

I decided to go to a close cafe, and get a coffee or tea, and a bite to eat. I walk down the cafe, and I enter.

I see the woman infront of me. She's a blonde, who seems barely shorter than me. And she's on her phone. She seems oddly familiar.

She pays for her order and then goes to sit down by the window. It ends up my turn. I go up and order a tea and a croissant.

After a couple of minutes of waiting they call both my name and the girl ahead of me's name. Leah.

Yeah she does seem familiar. I go up to grab my coffee and I accidentally bump into the blonde. Ending up with her coffee all over my shirt. My white shirt.

"OH my god I am so sorry for that," she says loudly. She runs over to grab some napkins and then starts trying to dab them on me to dry off the coffee that was all over my chest.

Good thing it was ice coffee.

"Oh no it's okay, I wasn't paying attention. Let me buy you another drink, please." I tell her. She quickly denies me, and says it was her fault she wasn't paying attention.

I once again deny her and say I'll buy her a new drink.

She finally agreed after my persistence. I ask her what she order and she said a ice coffee, so I go and buy her one. I look back and see that she's sitting down at a table.

I took the time waiting to just look at her.

She was wearing a white crop top, with a Cactus Air Jordan leather jacket. And some black pants, with a baseball cap.

She look so fucking good.

Once the coffee is done, I go grab it to take it to her. Also grabbing mine. I walk over to her table.

I put the coffee down and then I just stand there. I don't know if I should sit down, or do I walk away. What if she's waiting for someone? Do I ask?

She speaks, breaking me out of my tiny panic.

"Sit down, please." And smile slightly at her.

"Your the one that saved me from that man at the gala right. You were in the black suit, walked over, yelled at him, then punched him, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, I am. Im sorry I haven't introduced myself." I lean across the table to shake her hand. "Kali Wilson."

She shakes my hand. "Leah Williamson."

"How are you after all that? He didn't hurt you did he?" I say with a look of concern.

"No, no. You saved me before anything happen. And thank you for that, I don't think I said that before." Leah says with a smile.

Good to know that I saved her before anything happen.


So this is the first chapter that is revised

Hello hi I apologize for it being so late along with the rest of them

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