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Kali Wilson:

I was currently sitting in the middle of a hotel room surrounded by a makeup and hair team, and my management fussing over me.

"I want you on your best behavior. No starting problems, okay?" My manager Sarah warns me.

"Of course I won't be causing any problems, what do you think I am. A child?" I tell her.

"Sometimes I think you are one." She mutters under her breath but I can still hear her.


"Ok so you are going to very quickly walk the carpet, pause for some photos, do an interview. And then we go inside. You mingle with some of the rich famous people people, get them to donate. And them after a couple of hours we can leave, and get some fries." Sarah says to me, completely ignoring that she called me a child.

We are going to a charity event. For a nonprofit organization I co-founded. For girls sports and to give them more funding. And a sport,karting. Which most of the time leads to F1, is expensive. And most kids don't have the opportunity to do it. Especially girls, there are so little girls in karting that I knew I needed to come tonight.

But there are a bunch of other people here. A bunch of women's sports players. Footballers, and people from other sports.

I usually try my best to not go to any events, because well. I just don't want to. I much rather be at home and watch Netflix, but since I'm one of the founders and coordinators of this event. I have to be here.

Once all the make up and hair crew are finish I thank them. Me and Sarah walk down to the car waiting for us. And she starts talking more about the schedule of things and how it's going to work.

I've been to events before for F1. But we always do this before. Sarah says it's because I'm slightly 'problematic'. Which I don't understand, Im never problematic.

We end up at the event and there are already camera flashing waiting for me to get out the car. My driver opens the door for us. I get out first and then hold out my hand for Sarah to get so she wouldn't trip.

She mutters a quick thank you before saying that she was going to see if the interviewer was ready for when I got to them.

I start walking down the red carpet and stop so the photographers can get some pictures. I make it down to the end up the carpet and see Sarah and a women with a cameraman waiting by her.

I walk over to them, and greet both the reporter and the cameraman. We start the interview talking about the event and what the charity is about.

"So we heard that the Captain of the English Women's Soccer team is going to be attending, is that true?" The interviewer asked.

"Yes that is true. Leah Williamson and the English team have been invited, along with some of the other National Women's Sports teams. We all have a common goal, to get as much funding to girls team, so they can have the opportunity to have a club near them. With the adequate equipment need." I say.

"I think we all have this question as well, are there going to be any more F1 representatives appearing tonight. We know that you are of course going to be attending, but is there anyone else?"

"Yes there is going to be some F1 drivers here tonight. As well as some female drivers in the other formula Levels. Tatiana Calderon. She was in Formula 2 in 2018, but has now moved one to other forms of racing. As well as couple of other woman who have participated in formula racing. And from F1, we have a couple of the drivers attending, trying to help bring awareness to the organization."

"Alright, thank you for your time."

After that we can finally go inside and I see people talking and trying to convince others to donate.

This is probably one of my least favorite parts of event like this. First is of course the press, and all the attention and paparazzi focuses in you. I mean you do something scandalous, even on accident everyone knows by the morning. At least 10 different articles about the night are already out.

They my second least favorite part is having to talk to people. To be more clear, having to talk to rich people to try and get them to give us money. I know that's how this business works and how that money is what makes the organization run. But still having to do it, is bad.

And a bunch of times it's the old rich men, that we have to speak to. To the others, the rest of the drivers, it may not be bad. All they have to do is quickly strike up a conversation with the man, but for me. It's much worse. They look at me like a piece of food. They start flirting, trying to get touchy. And if I fight them off for that, I'm deemed a bitch. And won't get any donations from that man.

That's why most of the time, I only walk up to donators with some of the boys. They all know that this happens, and they do their best to stay by my side to keep the old creepy guys away. And it's not because I need protection, I can do that myself. They have seen me protect my self, but it's more so that another problem doesn't happen, and we end up on the gossip blog for punching an old man.

Other than those two problems, these events aren't that bad. And I'm a social person, I love talking to people and meeting new people. So these things are really easy for me.

I went to talk to people, most were really nice and eager to donate to the organization. Others...were not as nice.

I met some sports players as well. There were some tennis players, some from track and field. And some other sports. But there was quite a bit of football players. I think u saw Mary Earps, Lotte Wubben-Moy, and some others from the lionesses. Along with their captain, Leah Williamson.

And everything was going well, until it wasn't.



Hello this is my new Leah Williamson story, with a f1 driver

I might not actually write this, depending on the feedback I get. If you guys like it comment and vote please 🙏

If u guys do like it, it will prob be a whole until I update again tho

I hope you like it, thank you for ready.

Edit: chapters 1 and 2 are the same as before and have not been changed

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