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It was all going well, until well it wasn't.

I went to the bar to get a drink, when I saw in the corner of the room. There was a woman with an old man awfully close to her. I saw the uncomfortable look on her face. Trying to back away, but being trapped between the wall and the man.

At this point I already set my drink down, and was walking to them. I saw the woman look more uncomfortable and the man getting closer so I started walking faster, ignoring people calling my name.

Once i got to him I heard what the man was saying and was disgusted.

"Oh come on little lady, a pretty girl like you needs a real man like me. Why don't we head to the bathroom," he said. I heard the woman refuse to and tell him to move away. After that the man said that he wasn't going to donate any money if she wouldn't go with him.

I realize that the woman was an athlete. The man then put his hands on her waist trying to pull her into him, that was when I stepped in and grabbed his shoulder to pull him away.

He turned my way and stumbled a little bit, while he did that I got between him and the blonde lady.

"Hey! Can't you see they we're having a conversation here! Go away!" He yelled at me. And started walking towards me and the woman again.

I move a little closer to him and push him back.

"She said no, and is clearly uncomfortable, walk away," I tell him, my voice serious. To make sure the point gets across.

His face turns red with anger and he keeps walking towards me. He grabs me and tries to pull me away. Once he tries that, I do the reasonable thing one would do. Punch him in the face.

I Guess i punched him really hard, or he was just really weak, because after he stumbled to the floor.

By now there was a crowd around us wanting to see what was happening.

The man got up and started walking to me with his hands in fist. But two of my friends, Max Verstappen and Charles Leclrec, were here and got between me and the man. Keeping him away from me and the blonde.

I turn around and see her with some tears in her eyes, definitely still scared from the situation that just happened. So I go up to here and guide her to the restroom.

We enter the restroom and it was empty, so no one would see.

She's not fully sobbing but she's crying. Like she could stop. And then her breath starts quickening. I try calming her down, by rubbing her back and saying that it's okay now. But it didn't work. So I pull her in for a hug.

I'm not big for physical touch, but I don't know what else to do. I think she's on the verge of a panic attack. I hug her tightly.

After a few minutes she starts calming down. I stay there hugging her until she starts to pull away, and the I let go.

I hand her a tissue so that she could wipe her face.

"Thank you" she quietly said.

I stood there, not sure if I should leave or stay.

"Thank you for stepping in back there, I owe you one," she said.

Why would she think she owes me one?
"You really don't, it was the right thing to do." I said.

She just smiled at me, while wiping her face.

"Alright so if you're okay now, I could leave. Or stay with you for a little while longer, whatever you choose?" I asked, not sure if I should leave right now or stay.


She was about to say something when two girls burst into the restroom. Both football players, I know as Keira Walsh and Mary Earps.

"Are you okay?" "Did he hurt you" they both say quickly.

I didn't want to interrupt the moment so I just walk out to find Max and Charles.

I see find them outside watching the man that was assaulting the woman -who I now realize is Leah Williamson - Get put into a cop car. I guess they wanted to make sure he didn't get away.

"Hey, are you okay? Is that woman okay?" Charles asked, as they both rushed over to me.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just want to go home."

After that the three of us head home.




Imma just be publishing these chapter randomly, expect no actual updating schedule

Hope you liked it

Edit: chapters 1 and 2 are the same as before and have not been changed

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