𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩. 𝟒: 𝐏𝐮𝐧𝐤

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Song of the day: PUNK TACTICS by: Joey Valence, & Brae

"Yo, yo, yo. If you don't shut your mouth, imma shut it for you, PUNK!"

TW: Fire, harsh language, tiny bit of fighting.


Joi POV:

I ran through the burning building, I coughed, and the smoke burned my eyes as much as it burned my lungs.
"Sophie?! SOPHIE!" I yelled out, coughing more in the process, my eyes stinging with tears from the smoke. I hear coughing, I run towards it, a piece of wood almost falling on my in the process. I see Sophie sitting on the ground, covering her face with her sweater from the smoke. I sweep her up in my arms. She looked up at me.
"Joi..?" She whispers. I sighed heavily before coughing.
"There's no time. Come on." I say as I quickly attempted to run out of the burning building, another big piece of wood nearly falling on the both of us, we were near the exit before I yelped, falling to the ground, and Sophie falls, too. A clear path for her to run through before the whole building collapsed. My jeans started to smoke, I coughed, quickly standing up and picking Sophie back up, too. I started running again, my ears ringing again. I looked around. But we make it out safely, I put Sofie down as she ran to mom. I was still in shock at what I just did, I dropped to my knees, my breathing heavy, and my lungs burning. Koko and everyone else ran towards me, Koko tackles me in a hug.
"Your so fucking stupid! Why the fuck did you do that?! Are you out of your mind!?! You could've burned yourself alive!" Koko yells at me. I see unshed tears in her eyes, I sighed heavily, and I just hug her. She hugged me back, letting out a shaky breath. I looked up at everyone else. They seemed worried and somewhat disappointed. I did that. But Sam seemed pretty proud. I smiled awkwardly as I just hugged Koko, breathing in fresh air instead of the black, hot smoke from inside the building.

The fire department was there, and the ambulance to check my sister and I to see if we had any burns, and I, in fact, was burned. I looked at my leg, seeing the white through the thick layers of tissue and skin. I couldn't feel anything but a little to no sting. I learned in science that your pain receptors are burned off from when you get a third-degree burn. The nurse puts pressure on the burn, reassuring me it was gonna sting a little bit. I let out a hiss of pain, that hurt like a bitch. Koko, my mom, and Ally sat next to me, helping my leg. The nurse wraps a bandage around my bone-exposed leg. The nurse told my mom that I had to go to the hospital for it to be treated properly, and she nodded a reply. Koko tries to cheer me up a little by playing video games on her phone, I won tic tac toe a couple of times. But then she declared I was cheating. I chuckle. My mom looks at me with a disappointed look and sighs.
"Come on, Joi. We've got to get you to the hospital." She says, helping me stand up. I nodded a reply, looking back at Koko. She gave me a frown in response.
"Text us," she reminds me. I nod before getting into my mom's car, driving off to the hospital.


Two weeks later...


Koko POV:

Joi told me she would come to school for a couple of weeks since she needed her leg to heal. We were all concerned for her. I was texting Joi in class.

Pookie Joi:
You shouldn't be on ur phone

I'm still talking to u bc I don't wanna be in school alone.

Pookie Joi:
I'm going to call ur phone so the teacher takes it away. <3

Stop it.

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