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Thomas didn't say anything but he watched Charlie and I, a little closer then I liked. For the next couple days he watched us but we ignored him. But with new years past as well it was time to go home. Back to work, back to school. Dad had asked me if I thought I could handle flying. My heart had raced and I'd been afraid but I gave a smile and told him that I thought I could handle it, since I had them all with me. So, dad chartered a plane to take us straight home. Charlie kept close to me. Both of us not really caring what dad or Thomas thought of it. When we were on the plane and buckled in Charlie held my hand and tried to talk to me so I'd think of something other then the plane that was about to take off. Once in the air and the ride became smooth I felt better.

"Want to play twenty questions?" He asks me smiling.

"No thanks."

"Want to hold your brother down and shave his head?" I laugh.

"No but that is tempting."

"Do you have reports or assignments to hand in for any of your classes?" Dad asks.

"I have an essay and a report to hand in. But they didn't give us a ton before the holidays which is great." Dad nods.

"Good. Will it be hard to concentrate in classes with Charles there." I frown.

"No he stays back by the door."

"Sure he won't? It's different now that the two of you have started an intimate relationship. His presence, even not in view, might distract you." I stare jaw dropped. How did he know? I look at Thomas.

"Hey I didn't say anything." Dad laughs.

"I know my sons well. I knew it was different when I saw you at the cabin together. I won't butt in, you are all adults.The only thing I ask is that you take care with this. I love you son, and Charles you are a good man. I don't want to see either of you get hurt." I look to Charlie who was as surprised as I was. He squeezes my hand.

"I think we're both serious about this. We want it to work." Charles says smiling at me.

"I wish you luck."

"I thought you would be one that wouldn't like me starting something with the one I was supposed to be protecting." Charles says to dad.

"I think you'll be even more focused on his protection now that he is your lover. All I ask is that you both remember that life is more then just making love. It's the everyday things that will build or break your relationship." Charles and I both nodded and let the conversation on it die. The only problem with the conversation dying is that I was suddenly very aware of the fact I was in a plane actually flying.

"Hey, take a deep breath." Charles tells me squeezing my hand.

"I tried doing that but I'm very aware that I'm in the air."

"Alright. Well think about instead, that it's sure to be noticed that something is different between us by those at the college. Think about what you are going to tell them when they come up and start hinting at things or trying to get details. Think about the few that won't believe it and still flirt with me. Think about alternatives to hurting someone for the thoughts."

"Yeah, that works." For the rest of the flight I imagine different things and outcomes that won't result in discipline from the college. When we get home finally I drop my stuff in my room and fall back on my bed.

"I am so very tired. Hopefully I sleep good so I'm not falling asleep in class tomorrow."

"Should I knock to wake you up or shake you?" Charlie asks leaning in my bedroom doorway. I smile.

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