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When Charles arrives I'm ready to go. He was dressed in a black suit, his gun and a purple shirt, no tie. I was in my normal skinny jeans, slightly big long sleeved tee. My favorite gray boat shoes with no socks. I kicked them off in every class so I wasn't worried about sweaty feet.

"So, what are you going to do while I am in class?"

"I'll be inside the door to one side observing. Halfway through the class I'll step out to check the halls for any obvious trouble. After class please don't leave without me. Stay at your seat I'll come to you. You can stand but don't leave your seat, okay?"

"Okay. You know, my dad was wanting to keep me safe from jocks and bullies not terrorists or something." He chuckles.

"I know, but safe practices at all times. If the extra precaution is never necessary it's really not inconvenienced anyone."

"True. I'm thinking that you being around, no one is going to notice I'm even alive. I kind of like that. I'll go from class to class and to the library without anyone getting in my face or anything. You'll look like a plain clothed security guard for the college just making his rounds."

"I don't mind people staring but if anyone tries to stop me I'll have to go past polite if they don't take a hint. If I get stuck for any reason, do not keep going. Move off to the side out of sight and I'll catch up to you."

"What if we get separated completely?"

"Go to your next class and stay there till I come."

"What if you never come?"

"Call the police, I'm either literally tied up and need help or I'm dead."

"Well there's a thought to kill any mood." I had a two hour class then lunch. An hour to study then another two hour class. I'd go back to the library to study and work on assignments for awhile. I go into the room and take my normal seat for class. Charles walked down to the lecture podium then back up to the door and took a spot where he'd be unassuming. Once class started I knew he was back there but I was able to pay attention to my professor just fine. I took a glance about halfway through and just caught his shoulder disappearing out the door to do his check. I kept glancing until he was back. Seeing me watching he smiles and nods. As soon as class was over every girl nearby leaned over to me.

"Is he with you?" They ask looking at Charles.

"Yes. He's my new body guard. My dad sort of insisted."

"Well you'll stop getting black eyes with him around. God is he sexy. Is he single do you know?"

"As far as I know he is. But he's on duty he won't give you the time of day. You'll have to catch us at lunch or after classes." I listened to them extol all his great features as he slowly came toward me. No doubt he knew why they were next to me and was giving them a moment to get it out of their system and let us go. When he stepped up I cleared my throat.

"This is Charles Walker my bodyguard. These are Allison, Carrie, Jewel, Constance and Brianna."

"Ladies." Is all he says inclining his head. "Ready Dev?"

"Yep. See you next class." I say and hurry up the steps away from them. Charles was only a step behind me.

"So, that wasn't as big of a crowd as I thought we'd get." He says.

"Oh just wait. They'll tell everyone they know and tomorrow there will be groups of them everywhere we go. They might not all be forward enough to interrupt us but they'll be around watching. Hmm, you know, I didn't think of it until now but, that could cause trouble with the guys. If all the girls are drooling over you and ignoring them they'll get pissy."

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