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When I wake I'm alone. Okay, I knew he probably got up early as habit but waking in his arms would be nice to do. Looking around I see the connecting door is closed. So he probably went for a shower and clothes. I'm wondering if I can bother him or not when there is a knock on my hotel door. Getting up I grab the fancy robe they provide and pop my door open. It's my dad.

"Hi, come on in." I say. He was smiling at me wide.

"How are you feeling this morning?"

"A whole lot better. Sleep, food, and warmth I'm good now. Are you wanting to go on to the cabin? I'd love to get back to celebrating the holidays."

"If you feel up to it we definitely will. I've got a ride for the four of us."

"Not a plane I'm hoping?"

"No. A Limo SUV. Walter flew in last night to drive us."

"Did you buy the SUV?"

"No just renting. When he gets us to the cabin he'll drive the truck back and fly home. Depending on how you feel we'll either fly home or at least chopper closer to home and get a ride."

"And if being in the air doesn't sound good?"

"Gray is at the cabin we can drive home in the ford SUV's. It's several weeks away so just concentrate on having a good holiday, okay?"

"Absolutely." I tell him. He's got a tender look on his face. Tears slip from his eyes. Pulling me into his arms he holds me tight.

"God, I thought I'd lost you. You are my little boy. I know you understand why you are so special. I love you so much as my son, and as my connection to your mother. To think I lost you, it hurt, but here you are. I'll never be able to thank Charles enough for keeping you safe." He holds me tight letting his tears fall on my shoulder. I knew that this was good for him. If he got it out then he'd be able to move past this and we'd all be better off. When my father was feeling better he leans back, his hands on either side of my face.

"Alright. Feel up to breakfast? The hotel has a very nice restaurant."

"Sure. Is Thomas up yet?"

"Yes. Drinking his coffee."

"Okay I'll get Charles and knock when we're ready."

"Alright. I'll make sure the coffee is actually waking him up." After dad was headed back to his room I give Charlies door a knock. It's opened in just a few moments. He's grinning at me. I raise on my toes and he meets me for a kiss.

"Good morning. How are you doing?" He asks holding me gently.

"I'm doing good. How long have you been up?"

"A few hours. I didn't want to disturb you so I took a shower and hung out in my room."

"I figured as much. Dad was just in, we're all going to breakfast. You are all dressed but I still need to shower and dress. He's been very emotional about this. I get it though. I'm really happy to see him too." I feel tears press at my eyes. He pulls me in and hugs me.

"I don't think I really thought about how he would feel. I did but I didn't if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. We're all safe and back here."

"Yes we are. You know, he's never going to stop thanking you right?" I tell him. He snorts.

"I think when he finds out I'm making love to his son that'll cure that." I laughed.

"Probably. I better shower."

"Gonna let me watch?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows.

"No I won't shower well with an audience." He nods and goes to sit in his room while I head for the shower.

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