7: Forced Proximity

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"Enid, please switch with me," Victoria begged as she sat beside her on the bus with Wednesday across from them in her own seat.

It was Outreach Day, and all of the students of Nevermore were assigned volunteering duties. The annual celebration of building a sense of community with the normie neighbors.

Victoria had gotten the Weathervane and she knew well that Tyler was going to be there. They haven't spoken since their encounter at Kinbott's, as there seemed to be a void between them they didn't want to discuss. She figured that he may have been one of those charming people who come into her life and go.

But that wasn't the only reason she didn't enjoy getting the Weathervane. She was being a place where temptation was in every direction. Coffee, baked goods, and all. As she could barely fight the temptation anymore. The last meal she'd had was last night, as she skipped breakfast out of gut wrenching guilt.

"No way," Enid said, finalized with her decision. "Pilgrim's town is the place where I have to do the least amount of work so good luck to you both!"

"Enid!" Victoria exclaimed, looking over at Wednesday for help.

But she looked like she had a lot on her mind, as she hadn't spoken the entire bus ride. Victoria tried to bargain with Enid, mentioning how it was a misfortune for her that she'd mention Xavier having a secret "lover" after she found out about their date.

"Your blog is keeping me on my toes!" Victoria exclaimed through gritted teeth. "You're on thin ice, you know."

"Well good thing I've always loved ice skating," Enid said with a grin and whipped her head around.

An hour or two later, Victoria stood in front of the Weathervane with a huffed chest before taking a step towards the door. She was then greeted by Xavier behind her.

"You got Weathervane too, huh?" he asked.

She smiled. "Unfortunately."

Though she didn't realize just how unfortunate it was until she saw the two together in the same room. Until then, she didn't realize how bad of an idea it was going to be.

"Victoria," Tyler said when he noticed her presence, seeming to look brightened by her presence until his eyes flickered to Xavier. He didn't pretend to be happy about it as he nodded and said, "Work attire is in the breakroom. You can change there too."

Victoria nodded, now unsure if this was going to go well or not, as she and Tyler had not ended on perfect terms since they last spoke. It also seemed to be going downhill at the moment.

Obviously, communication was not their cup of tea.

Victoria changed from her uniform to Weathervane's work attire. To her surprise, the attire was well fitted and comfortable as she put on her apron. She then braided her hair to the side before exiting the breakroom to join Tyler and Xavier, who were already in business as the tourists entered the cafe.

"We welcome customers as they come in," Tyler instructed Victoria.

"I know, I'm pretty sure your first words to me were welcome to the Weathervane," Victoria said with a sheepish smile, trying to thin the tension between them.

To her luck, Tyler grinned at this and Xavier's presence interrupted them when he reached for coffee filters. He gave Victoria a not-so-hidden smuggish smile before making his way back to the coffee machines, allowing Tyler a chance to say what he'd been waiting to mention as Victoria mixed a better of lavender croissants.

"Listen, about what I said at Kinbott's," Tyler said quietly as she knew where this conversation was going. "I was being stupid when I mentioned Wednesday. I didn't mean to bring her up or- or mean to compare you both. I kind of get it when people compare me to my dad and all... it's like a never ending competition."

I Wanna Be Yours; Tyler GalpinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora