#6- Russia, Uki, & Ame

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(Russia's POV)

Ukraine got the pain medication yesterday. Thank god. I don't know how much longer I could've stayed in pain.

A bunch of people called me again today. Once again, I just ignore it all, not wanting to talk to people. It's so annoying...

I hope Raine didn't tell a bunch of people what's up with my arm. She has a tendency to tell everyone everyone else's business. She spreads gossip a lot.

I'm gonna take a nap. I'm exhausted.

~~~ time skip ~~~

I wake up a couple of hours later, hungry. I stumble down the stairs and make some canned soup for dinner. I get a bottle of vodka and my bowl of hot soup and sit at the table, not wanting Raine to yell at me for spilling stuff on the couch. Using my left hand, of course, I shakily bring a spoonful of soup to my mouth, but a lot of it splashes out the spoon and back into the bowl. "I hate this shit." I try again, and right when I'm about to eat, my phone rings, and I drop the spoon. "Shit." I look at the screen to see who called me. "UN... I should probably pick up..." I accept the call.

"Hello, Russia?"

"Да?" (Yes?)

"Oh, wow, he picked up."

I roll my eyes. "Да?" (Yes?) I say, annoyed.

"Oh, sorry. We have a mandatory meeting tomorrow, at noon."

"Xорошо." (Okay.)

"Can you make it?"

"Да." (Yes.)

"Alright. See you then.

"Пока." (Bye.)

I hang up and set the phone down. I sigh, knowing that I need to be there, but also really not wanting to go. When UN says mandatory, he means mandatory. It doesn't matter if you're stuck in an iceberg, you are going to be there.

I finish eating my soup and drink the vodka, then go sit on the couch and turn on the TV. After a little while, I realize how late it is, so I get some pain medicine then go upstairs, take a shower while avoiding getting my right arm wet, then get in bed, and go to sleep.

~~~another time skip (sponsored by Russia's Beauty Rest)~~~

I wake up the next morning at 10 o'clock. I have only one hour to get ready, since the meeting place is an hour's drive from home. Wow, I haven't driven in a while... might just wanna have Raine, Bela, or Kaz drive instead. I drag myself out of bed, get changed, wearing a long-sleeved gray sweater, and putting on a glove on my right hand very gently, to cover it. I change into jeans, and then stick my ushanka back on my white hair, then go downstairs for breakfast. I see Ukraine, and that she already made pancakes. "доброе утро." (Good morning.)

(Ukraine's POV)

I look up from my food, surprised.Wow, Russia said good morning. He must be in a good mood or something. "добрий ранок, Росія. How'd you sleep?" (Good morning, Russia.)

"Fine. Is the food for everyone?"


"Alright." He sits down at the table and starts eating. We eat in silence, then, after I finish eating, I put my plate in the sink and go upstairs to get ready for the meeting. I brush my teeth, then change into a nice sundress, then brush my hair and put it in a bun. I do some light makeup, then go downstairs to see if Russia's ready. He's sitting on the couch, doing something on his phone.

I sit down and put on a pair of shoes while we wait for Belarus and Kazakhstan. I glance over at Russia to see if he's in any pain, but he looks fine. After just a minute, Bela and Kaz come down, dressed and ready to go to the meeting. I look at the time. It's 10:50... might as well be there 10 minutes early. "Alright, let's go." We all go out to the car, men and Bela go to the backseat as usual, and Kaz goes to the front passenger. I notice that Russia hasn't gotten in yet. "Russia? Why are you just standing there?"

"Um... one of you should probably drive-" Oh, that's right. His arm.

"I will." I volunteer myself, and Russia sits in my place after I get out and go to the driver's seat.

I drive us to the meeting, and when we get there, about half the normal amount of cars are there already, 10 minutes early. I park the car and we go inside. We go to the conference room, and I look around for Canada. Once I see him, I go straight over and sit beside him. I see Kaz and Bela sit down beside each other, and Russia sit down by himself, and rest his arm on the table gingerly. A couple countries notice him and look for a second, eyes wide. I hear some mutters along the lines of, "Oh wow, he's alive."

Around 3 minutes before the meeting starts, America comes in, with the help of France. He looks around for a minute before locking his eyes on Russia, who appears to be asleep, or at least resting his eyes, with his head propped up by his left arm. America seems to observe Russia's right arm, the one that's covered for a moment before looking away and allowing France to lead him beside me and Canada.

(America's POV)

I sit down beside my mom, between her and CanadaAt precisely noon, UN comes in and begins the meeting. He takes a quick head count, noting that everyone is there except China and NK, who are on a call on speakerphone, so they know everything that happens at the meeting.

"Hello everyone. Today's meeting is about the Kaiju attacks, and the healing process for it. We will be putting everyone in pairs with the most suitable person." I cringe a little, remembering the initial pain.

Russia had opened his eyes when UN had started talking and is now listening to it. He discreetly rolled his eyes at the partner thing. UN starts listing off the partners. They make a lot of sense, such as: Poland and Germany, Frace and Britain, Australia and New Zealand, China and North Korea, Japan and South Korea, Belarus and Kazakhstan, and several others.

I assume that I'll be partnered with Canada. He lists a couple off, and I perk up when I hear Nada's name, "Canada and Ukraine, ..." I freeze in shock. My brain starts going 100 miles an hour. What the hell... who am i gonna be paired with??? I guess Nada and Ukraine make sense to be paired. They're bffs, if not dating. But what about me?... I start getting nervous as I don't hear my name on and on...

UN keeps saying duo names, and then he says...

"And finally...

America and..


Author Note
hi again. sorry for all the fluff. I'm pretty new to writing- anyway!


yo, this is the longest chapter yet! 1147 words in the story!

guess I got motivated or sum-

bye now <:


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